Power Rangers Ninja Steel Overview

Power Rangers Ninja Steel: Season 24
Episode Count: 20 + 2 Specials
Air Date: January 21st, 2017-December 1st, 2017

After hearing so much negative feedback from the fandom about "Ninja Steel", I was actually pretty nervous about watching this one for the very first time and YES, this is the first season of Power Rangers that I'm not re-watching but watching for the first time since I haven't seen this series or even Beast Morphers while Dino Fury has gotten back into the franchise beyond expectation! :) But I have to say, the first season of "Ninja Steel" wasn't THAT bad.  Sure, I can see where elements of the show would leave fans groaning, moaning and seemingly phoning in the season feels at times but STILL....nothing on the level of "Samurai-Super Samurai" and especially "Megaforce/Super Megaforce"!!!  Why??? Because even when "Ninja Steel" is at it's worse, you can tell that Judd Lynn was trying desperately to keep the show afloat aka above quality of the idiotic mandates that had been force on him more so during this season and the next than Dino Supercharge began too.  And yes, there is a pretty good show here, possibly even a great one but you can tell the show is being suppressed by how truly exceptional it could have been if Judd has a lot more control like he did during his tenure on the show prior (The second half of Turbo-Time Force and the second half of RPM) There are really parts of the show that not only decent but show so much more potential that is being allowed to explore.  The show almost feels like this jarring combination of it trying to be so much more against so much that is unfortunately holding it back.  Even in the two part season premiere, "Return of the Prism" and more so "Forge From Steel", you can see there are a good number of exciting story elements being set up for the rest of the season even if some of them turned out to be much of nothing so far. :(

Honestly, Brody isn't a bad character and if anything, he is set up to be one of the most fascinating rangers yet....even if he turned out to not be that way.  The idea of a young boy who was training to be a ninja suddenly captured and forced into essentially being a slave on an alien ship after losing his father 10 years ago in itself is a pretty epic set up for a character's story arc.  Brody is stoic and so detached as a human because of this and even when he lands back on Earth to become the new Ninja Steel Red Ranger, he finds it hard adjusting to a world he isn't accustomed to anymore.  We see that sometimes throughout the season, especially in the following episode from the premiere(s), "Live and Learn", when he needs to learn not to rely on his advanced alien technology so much instead of his natural intelligence as well as his new team of friends aka rangers. ;)  Brody doesn't go through much significant change throughout the season, even with the main arc of his finding his family; in particular his brother Aidan...when he shows up out of nowhere at the end of "The Ranger Ribbon" to reveal to Brody he is in fact his long lost brother.  While I would have enjoyed if the false Aidan story was stretched out a bit more (it felt like it was going to even but who knows really? O_o), it was definitely the highlight of the season having a tone of seriousness, distrust and intensity that the rest of the season didn't have much of....or at least on this level.  Not to mention, it leads to one of the most beautifully written and acted moments of the show as Brody unexpectedly runs into his real brother; which alone makes this season worth it just for "Family Fusion" alone. :)  There's also "Gold Rush" where the rangers first meet Levi and that unlikely bond he quickly forms with the country singing star because Brody is so obverse to the relentless glorification that his fans give him that he just doesn't understand.  It helps highlight another great aspect of the show which is Brody and Levi's immediate friendship, especially on how it foreshadows something greater and more special between them. ;)

By the end of the season, while Brody is tested in trying to save his fellow rangers and makes the big sacrifice to shatter his power star, which ends up making two more red ones, he doesn't really change that much outside of wanting to do what his father did to save him by saving his friends the same way.  It not only worked by leading to his freedom, but revealing his father and where he had been all this time. Moving on to the character who probably had to most focus of the group surprisingly outside Brody was Sarah, the Ninja Steel Pink Ranger.  In ways, she reminds me of Alyssa from Wild Force, but her actress, Chrysti Ane can actually convey emotions without making me want to take a bottle of tylenol to the head. -_-  She's an accomplished athlete as well as a teenage scientific prodigy like Billy as she invents her own hover board.....and legit Back to the Future Part II type hover board yet the world around her doesn't seem so amazed or at least as amazed as they should.  I think what made we like Sarah as opposed to Alyssa is that she was treated like someone with actual flaws despite he being good at so many things.  In "Hack Attack", we see she has to create a handful of clones just to be good at various classes so she can get into college but my god, inventing clone holograms isn't enough to automatically make you come kind of youngest university professor in history??? O_O *Sigh*.....Anyway, at least despite Sarah being so physically and mentally exceptional, she can still do too much all at once and needs to learn things at a time or she'll create even more of a problem like what happens in the episode when a monster gains her technology.  There's also the penultimate episode where she has to learn to not be so hard on her mom, who is also a scientist at heart but a bit more bumbling than her daughter, when she tries to help her with a class project.  

It showed Sarah can be so oblivious to her actions by being remind just because someone just wants to help, doesn't mean you should treat them as an inconvenience to your own pride. :)  At least that's what she learned herself by the end which wasn't bad even tho I'm sure some found her sudden relationship issues with her mom coming out of nowhere.  But I honestly didn't mind it anymore than I did Preston's own issues with his father.  Yes and speaking of the productive teen magician, Preston, our Ninja Steel Blue Ranger, is.....kind of there most of the time and underutilized to his fullest capabilities.  I mean not only is his constant passion for magic something new and different for a ranger character, it's highlighted ever so frequently without building on him as a character, at least outside "The Ranger Ribbon", which had more to do with his relationship with his father than his personality as an aspiring magician. Everytime Preston's magic was brought up, it was mostly for show aka a gimmick in the episode like "Presto Change-O" or some absurd lesson in "Abrakadanger" about not skipping over spells to learn things step by step.  I mean the idea of the Ninja Steel granting him natural magical abilities because it grants a ranger its heart's desire was very interesting; possibly leading to a number of better storylines to further explore.  Idk, I mean comparing Preston to our last Blue Ranger (Ironically, Peter Sudarso's own brother, Yoshi! :_), Preston just didn't really capture the screen with magic, literally and metaphorically.  But not a bad character by any means.

I guess it's best to talk about the next two rangers, the Yellow and White Ninja Steel Rangers, as a pair considering they were the first couple from the start of a PR season. :)  But where the season takes them within that already romantic relationship tho....it leaves more to be desired.  But I can get why Calvin and Hayley are a couple, especially during "Drive to Survive" when Calvin is having trouble overcoming his fear of riding vehicles (Yet his zord is a big ole construction truck but whatever show! O_o) and Hayley immediately reassures and comforts him with such a warm, welcoming compassion to his very vulnerable, youthful uncertainty.  I've seen couples like that and it worked in moments like that to highlight that but there just wasn't enough of that between them. :(  I did like their class President campaigns as it refreshing saw the two at odds despite them being in a relationship.  Tho "Monkey Business" didn't really do much to develop each character outside their coupling tho.  I think on their own, Hayley and Calvin as characters are a bit uneven.  Sure they have been pretty defined but their individual character episodes don't really highlight the best of their characters.  I mean "Drive to Survive" and especially "My Friend, Redbot" are decent-great episodes in my opinion but than you have moments like "Ace and the Race" where Calvin is desperately trying to impress an obvious group of Grease fans in the 2010s or even moments where Hayley feels like she has WAY more chemistry with Levi than he own boyfriend. O_o  Just my observation!  I just think with their personalities/individual skills, something more could be down with their characters but it was simply ok overall between the two of them.

Lastly, onto our sixth ranger, Levi Weston, a country singer turned unlikely ranger thanks to the Prism coming to him after the first 5 rangers.  I like Levi! He's very charming, smart and has a good heart despite his serious passion of his music.  The Gold Ranger arc, once again, very brief, still managed to be a good introduction to his character in how he meets the rangers, becomes apart of the team and ultimately chooses his calling over furthering his career due to it being more important to even one of his biggest fans. Of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the huge and perfectly set up revelation of being the REAL Aidan during "Family Fusion", honestly one of the best episodes of the season, maybe even of the franchise. It shows Levi being heroic, selfless, conning, not to mention immediately reliable when he need to comfort his brother when he on the brink of tears thinking he lost his brother again.  Oh boy, the feels man! :_(  I guess I should also talk about the various allies of the Ninja Steel team this season.  Redbot is a robot who has characteristics of a human and I'm glad there were some episodes to explore that like "My Friend, Redbot" when Hayley has to learn about Redbot's true sapience after she hurts his feelings and the two end up saving each other in her response as seeing him as more than just a machine.  Jesus, where's Mack when you need him?!!! :P Then of course, there was "the Adventures of Redbot" where he must learn not to lie about being a hero via his blog stories that end up being bestselling books (Tho I'm shocked no one would realize that it was the Power Rangers he was really talking about but ok.....)  In the end, he becomes a real hero and learns the importance of not embellishing with his stories.  Then there's Mick Canic, Brody's alien friend from space in the form of a shape shifting mechanic from the Lion Galaxy who ends up being both the unlikely mentor and technical expert of the team in terms of using the prism to create new ninja throwing stars out of the Ninja Steel they have.

At first I love Mick, not just because Kelson Henderson is a constant treasure to this show as most of the characters he has played in the past but in the way he helps the rangers figure out their issues without directly telling them the answer.  Unlike say Dimitra, who annoying kept asking questions to the rangers ( and viewers) immediate frustration, Mick is more clever in questioning the rangers' mistakes and making them figure things out on their own quickly to save the day.  Now THAT is the kind of mentor-ship I like!  But overtime it becomes a bit too heavy handed, especially when Mick has to even teach Preston how to slow down by learning each spell when people were constantly telling him prior.  "Abrakadanger" was just all the worst for it at that point.  But I also like how the writers gave him some depth, especially in relationship to Princess Viera's arc during the "Royal" two parter.  While I found the arc with Princess Viera overall ok, the moment we find out her family sold Mick into slavery for Galvanax and separated from his family was some serious dark stuff that really gave us a more emotional look into the character.  I really loved the moment of when Viera lets him speak his family after not seeing them for so long.  As for Princess Viera herself, she was ok and I wasn't as bothered by her story as most fans apparently were.  She definitely made for an interesting contrast to villainous female antagonists we've seen before, continuing to give her some depth. I liked how she saw the rangers are a wake up call to ruling with a more aggressive, iron will that her people are calling into question when Sarah saves her.  In that, she teaches her there are other ways of ruling simply by conquering and punishing by teaching and having more compassion.  Sure her outfit was beyond silly and goofy even if it served the point of a new battlizer this season, but her actress did a good job and her story could have been far worse in my opinion! O_o *shrug*

As for the villains this season.....on one end, the Galaxy Warriors theme is so new and creative for the show; forcing the rangers to constantly have their battles viewed across the universe on a competitive game show where monsters play to get their power stars to become the ultimate champion of the show.  It was definitely fun and added stakes everytime the rangers were in battle considering it was a life or death game for twisted entertainment.  It wasn't just about saving the world but stopping Galvanax and his twisted form of higher ratings just to defeat the rangers.  Speaking of Galvanax.....can't say his death warranted any disappointment more than the character itself! His voice, his motives (outside of his show), not to mention his threat as the main villain was tired and done before, especially when you consider he sounds more generic than the one off enemies the rangers face on a weekly basis.  He never scored any major victories over the rangers but also, his rivalry with Brody was never explored.  This guy kind of led to your father potentially being killed, enslaved you on his ship for a decade.....and yet there's barely any mention of the fallout of that.  The dramatic consequences of this horrifying figure ruining you family and your life but so little is done with it than occasional lines of Brody, Galvanax and his even more predictably useless general Ripcon. I mean here you could have had a rivalry on the level of say Andros and Darkonda with Ripcon constantly reminding Brody of what was done to him in those 10 years of the ship.  Him bullying, even abusing Brody on the ship because of him being human, how he lost his family and how powerless he is to get him.  

Now Brody in the position of leader and the Red Ninja Steel Ranger of the team, he can now get back at Ripcon or Galvanax for everything he did.  Have a moment where Brody gets lost in his rage and revenge for what Ripcon or Galvanax did to him.  My god, there isn't even ONE Brody centered episode that focuses on that past on the ship or explores how that change him into this serious, broken teen just wanting to go home.  I feel like Judd Lynn wanted to do more with the character but wasn't allowed to and it sucks because given his previous work it's incredibly shocking that Brody's character and backstory on Galvanax's ship wasn't explore more in depth.  Sigh.... Then there's Cosmo Royal, the host of Galaxy Warriors, who seems like he would have been a refreshing main villain but it just regulated to small scenes here and there as well as making the monster grow.  Honestly, the best villain is Madame Odius, who manages to make the best parts of the season and coming the closest to defeating the rangers.  From capturing Levi to acquiring Gold Power Star to her plan with the android Aidan that almost won the day if not for Levi getting there in time, She was also ten steps ahead of everyone but then again, it just made Galvanax and Ripcon look dumber. -_-  Seriously!  Glad she is sticking around as the new main villain for "Super Ninja Steel".  We can only hope she makes up for this season's lukewarm rouge's gallery. O_o

Overall, "Ninja Steel" for sure is heavily flawed but there are aspects of the show that lend itself to being something more that wasn't able to be.  I love the use of their ninja training suits for practicing but also stealth missions when checking out Galvanax's latest schemes. Sure, it would have been nice to see Brody go more in depth with the ninja knowledge and training but once again, very limited by the higher ups allowing the show to have more of an authentic theme with stronger focus on ninja mythology, mastery and ideology.  Yeah...."Ninja Storm" got to do that but it's a shame "Ninja Steel" wasn't allowed to more besides very basic, mainstream depictions of ninjas.  I mean only Brody is a real ninja and doesn't do much ninja stuff himself, let alone teaching the team different powers and tricks of the art of the ninja calling.  But then again, Ninninger, the Sentai "Ninja Steel" is adapting is a bit absurd and outlandish with the ninja theme itself with such a random string of zords and zord aesthetics.  Yeah, this is by far the weirdest season in terms of the rangers' zord from a dog zord to a UFO zord....even a Bull and Bull Rider combination megazord.  Because apparently those things add up to ninja culture and practices!??? O_O  But like I said, the show's strengths are enough to keep it afloat enough even when it can be painfully insufferable thanks to the worst aspect of it....and no I'm not talking about those moronic duo of bathroom humor characters.  This review is long enough so without further ado......:)

  • The very inventive and refreshing concept of the cosmic reality game show angle as a contest for monsters to be sent out after the rangers.
  • Mick Canic being a great supporting character and sort of the occasional mentor to the team.
  • The Robot Aidan had its moments and probably was the highlight of the season.
  • Levi's heartwarming reveal as Aidan at the end of "Family Fusion".
  • Surprisingly, the holiday specials being really well written and entertaining those most so far. O_o
  • The character dynamics of the team, especially Hayley and Calvin's immediate relationship. :)
  • Madame Odius being the best villain and having the most interesting plan(s) all season.
  • The mysterious gold ranger and his eventual reveal was pretty solid as well. :)
  • The generic, forgettable villains in Ripcon and even Galvanax who's suppose to be the main villain?!!! Right.....O_O
  • Victor and Monty.....and pretty much ANY scene involving them that severely halts everything else that's interesting and potential great. -_-
  • The lessons of the day being a bit to spelled out and excessive at times.
  • The show feeling a bit too over the top than usual with the cartoonish sequences and absurd reactions to things like Preston's magic or ANYTHING Victor and Monty do!
  • The finale being disappointing in pretty much everything except for setting up Season 2 aka the rangers actually losing their powers and Odius' rise to main villain in the end.

Best Episodes:
  1. "Family Fusion"-An episode that actually builds in quality into one of the most emotionally rewarding endings to an episode yet. :)
  2. "Past, Presents and Future"-One of the best holiday episodes that works well in incorporating past episodes with a clever time travel twist and is surprisingly emotional at times just as it is pretty hilarious. 
  3. "Gold Rush"-I really loved this episode in establishing the bond between Brody and Levi (nice foreshadowing too! :) and making the debut of the sixth ranger pretty great even if it isn't as good as some of my top favorites. :)
  4. "Grave Robber"-A Victor and Montyless special!??? I'm all for it in seeing more of the rangers interacting and even figuring things out on their own without Mick.  Definitely a strong outing for the show! :)
  5. "Rocking and Rolling"-I love the dilemma with Levi going on tour before his ranger duties and the massive earthquake the rangers had to stop.  There was a really good sense of them on a mission and the stakes were pretty high here. :)
Worst Episodes:
  1. "Abrakadanger"-Too much Victor and Monty and too much of Preston looking like moron after being told not to do something several time.  One of the episodes that just highlights the worst of the show unfortunately.
  2. "Ace and the Race"-While the competitive Brody and Levi stuff was damn near comedy gold, the other plot with Calvin trying to impress a group of "Rebel without a Cause" rejects is just to embarrassing to be completely enjoyable.
  3. "The Adventures of Redbot"-A bit too heavy handed with the lesson that Redbot had to learn even if the monster's plan was ok.  But then you realize how overly elaborate it is and well.....-_-
  4. "Poisonous Plots"-You have the very serious threat of a ranger being poisoned to death juxtaposed....to Victor trapped in chocolate and almost eaten by children.  What demented wackiness when the episode could have been soooo much better and one of the best! Sigh.....:(
  5. "Live and Learn"-Not bad but the Brody lesson was a bit too forced for me here and didn't exactly feel like a natural progression of his character.

"After a pretty strong return to form overall with "Dino Charge" and the much lesser "Dino Supercharge", "Power Rangers Ninja Steel" is a basic but mostly bearable season of the show that sees Judd "Chip" Lynn clearly trying to make the show a lot better than it turned out to be but outside forces aka the higher ups at Nick meddling with atrocious mandates such as the infuriating return of the comic duo staple with...Victor and Monty; possibly the most annoying and unbelievable characters in the show's almost 25 year run at that point.  The stronger elements like Brody's search for his family, decent character developments, nice enough plot twists and unforeseen family tearjerking moment with Aidan is unfortunately mixed with some of the most throwaway villains and repetitive eye souring sequences of fart gags that borderline on being as bad as somethings from "Megaforce/Super Megaforce".  Yikes! O_O

Final Season Verdict: C


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