Season 7, Episode 4: Cure

Episode 4
Air Date: October 18th, 2007

It's always fun when Smallville paid tribute to the iterations of Superman that came before.  It started with Christopher Reeves in Season 2, then Margaret Kidder in Season 4.  Now we've gone from the classic 70s/80s versions of these characters to the iconic 90s series, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman as Dean Cain, who played Clark Kent/Superman on that ABC superhero drama stops by for a thoroughly interesting guest spot as Dr. Curtis Knox.  "Curtis Knox".....who has a elegant looking napkin with the initials "CK" on it.  Oh these writers are sooooo clever!!! :P lol  But outside of that, Curtis Know is a very special villain and not just because Dean Cain playing him but of his incredible lengthy backstory that reaches as far back as Medieval Times. O_O  Yes, he is an immortal who has been spending a while harvesting organs for his unconscious beloved who apparently is sick.  Clearly, Curtis Knox is Smallville's version of DC supervillain Vandal Savage, an immortal mastermind who has been around since prehistoric times and has garnered thousands of years of knowledge as well as other skills to be a constant threat to various DC superheroes.  Cain turns in a very good performance, coming off more smug, cold yet calculated than his charmed Clark Kent roots in the 90s. 

Of course, the Know story plays a bigger part overall in the grand scheme of a certain character's story arc; namely Chloe.  When she discovers Sasha Woodman (remember Bee girl all the way back from Season 1??? Aka one of my favorite episodes!!!) has been let out of Belle Reeve thanks to Knox's miracle surgery that rids meteor freaks of their powers.  I think I'm more disappointed they recast Sasha but hey, it was just a small reference/continuity moment to get the story rolling so I think the original actress would have been wasted when she was so hilariously profound as a full fleshed out character throughout Drone.  But of course, after hearing this, Chloe is eager to take the surgery given her growing fears of Jimmy finding out the truth and not wanting to be with her.  I mean, she could just talk to him about it! And what is with these all meteor freaks have been bad or gone psycho when there have been some who have been good or helpful like Cyrus from Visitor or Kevin in Blank.  But whatever, I guess the few don't speak for the too many that have terrorized Clark and his friends/family for the past 6 years at this point so I guess.....  Anyway, Clark figures out what's going on with Chloe and we have a nice scene of her really letting out her fears and wanting to be normal.  Tho Clark is alien from another galaxy and you can handle that but when comes to being different from regular people too, you freak out (no pun intended! :P)

Also, there is some interesting, unforeseen conflict between Kara and Jonn Jozz who arrives at the Kent Farm out of nowhere to warn Clark about Kara as well as Kara revealing he helped Jor-El force her family out of their home.  Honestly, the House of El family drama that's unraveling is very intriguing, setting up a very exciting look into the evils of Zor-El and the rivalry between him and Jor-El.  Unfortunately, I remember that going south VERY quickly but I'll be patient on my opinions until I rewatch episodes after a while.  Meanwhile, Kara, after hearing Martian Man tell Clark about her treasonous father goes on a solo mission to find her crystal without Clark and pretty much flirts her way with Jimmy to get him to help her track it.  Ewwww, like I said, isn't she like not 18 yet and Jimmy in his 20s??? O_o Also, it's a stupid plot point only used to cause more friction in Chloe and Jimmy's relationship; aka the two once again having a major disagreement and misunderstanding that just leads to them breaking up....again! -_-  Like I said, is any relationship not save from the terror of Dramaville??? :P

Anyway, the final confrontation between Clark and Knox is serviceable, with kryptonite involved to depower Clark enough so Knox has a chance.  Unfortunately, it leads to him destroying some equipment  and his dear Sophia dying.  I just want to know what the hell Jonn did with Knox after the fight since he's immortal! First Bizarro, now Knox, does Jonn have some sort of abandoned prison on one of Mars' moons or something.  It'd be nice to know what exactly he's doing with all these trapped prisoners we'll NEVER see again....well, one of them at least. ;)  And of course, Kara flies off on her own to track down her crystal as he is stuck between Jonn's warning of Kara and her side of the family while Kara is adamant that he's lying by being so upset she takes off into the sky to end the family reunion in her own words.  Ewww she'll be back! :P  But overall, Cure is pretty enjoyable in the Knox's storyline and the continuing dilemma with Chloe dealing with her meteor infection.  I suppose I should talk about Lex's involvement as well as Lana's clearly plotting behind Clark's back again Lex but this story should have died after Season 6.  Clearly the writers are setting up Lana as being a major backstabber to Clark and getting revenge on Lex while trying to play on Clark's emotions so he doesn't suspect a thing....but it just makes Clark look so dumb when he should know after faking her death like that, the girl has a dark side now and shouldn't be taking lightly but whatever..... Clark: "LAHHHH-NNNAHHH". <3 <3 <3   -_-

Final Kryptonite: B-


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