Season 20, Episode 14: Gosei Ultimate

"Gosei Ultimate"
Episode 14
Air Date: October 12th, 2013

Oh look! Yet another hand out episode!!! -_- Another problem I have mentioned but still the writers have no problem continuing to make it seem like when the rangers are in trouble, just through a new weapon or zord or power up and problem solved! Who needs stakes or some kind tension that make the kids/viewers feel like the rangers might not win! Bah! Let's see these grow more overpowered as Gosei and Tensou can just wipe up a new, more powerful zord after the arrival of the Aurora Box just an episode ago.  Yes, the Toxic Mutants' Aurora Box is becoming too much of a problem for the team......but it isn't since they defeated the last monster that got boosted by its power pretty well. O_O  SO why the need for more powers via a new zord!???  Well, it's because Gosieger was 40+ episodes and considering Megaforce is only 20 episodes, the writers have only half the amount of episodes to cram ALL these random fight scenes together but forget that a solid story need know....have it all make sense and bring it together!??? -_-

Seriously, this episode feels like 3 episodes in one, scenes of just constant fighting and thinks getting more dire but the rangers end up winning the day so easily without much effort.  This episode, the Toxic mutants are using the Aurora Box to spread their slim all over the city and eventually all over the world to turn it into a waste land.  Yes, this all seems so apocalyptic and intense but you realize the rangers always handle these escalations of situations without much effort. :(  Slime is all over the city??? Let's just freeze it with our morphers and cards! Rain pours down and unfreezes the slime!!? The rangers just freeze it again since Robo Knight can't! Bit ole Aurora Box on top of building, covering it with slime!?? The rangers go in and use their ultra mode to destroy one of the Toxic mutants once and for all! The rangers are stuck in the box and are gonna be destroyed!??? Well Tensou has been working on a new zord for the rangers that Gosei sends to them to not only save them but destroy the Aurora box and help make a new megazord! WOW! O_O So easy this season is! :) *Gun to head*

I would enjoy the Gosei Ultimate Command Ship, but then what's the point when it's like zord #25 in an season of endless handouts! Oh it turns into a powerful new megazord! Of course it does! I mean it's not like they don't have practically an army of zords already at their disposal! Let's just send in more zords and the day is so easily saved! Both Toxic mutants are destroyed and....that's it! It's treated like any old victory like they haven't been major villains for the past couple of episodes!!! Seriously, none of the Insect villains do ANYTHING anymore and Vrak is just there to make the monsters grow.  That's it! at least the Nighlok had personalities and they did more with rangers the last two seasons than these villains do beside growl and bark orders.  Jesus, even Divatox confronted the rangers more here than this season's villains so far and Luthor managed to be an actual badass fighter that could easily handle the ranger in a fight! But all these villains have done is sat back and let these earth based monsters do the work for them for the last how many episodes.  There's no connection to them at all.  I mean even Dekker and Dayu were made to be connected to Jayden and Mia even if it was horribly superficial.  This season is just so empty........At least MMPR had multi-parters that were awesome and moved the story along but this season doesn't even have that. Filler after filler! What's the point!??? -_-

Final Morph: F


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