Season 15, Episode 28: Home and Away, Part 2

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive - Home and Away - End of the ...
"Home and Away, Part 2"
Episode 28
Air Episode: October 15th, 2007

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting this to be the most intense episode of the season as well as possibly one of the best of the show's history.  Truly! O_O It seems in the mist of Operation Overdrive's immense atrocity of a show, the writers were able to find a diamond in a pile of trash! I think what helps is the story feels a lot more focused than Part 1 with the stakes actually being higher then ever before as the Fear Cats have literally crippled the rangers thanks to the extensive damage of the zords and them continuing their rampage with the near invulnerable monster they created aka Agrios.  Rose is busy trying to repair the Sentinel sword since Sentinel Knight was also badly defeated during the battle.  Seriously, he has been such a severely weak ally and seems to be way more powerful as well as useful when as a sword or a Mack's battlizer....what the f^&* honestly!??? O_O The others are busy looking for Tyzonn who is still apparently on Mercuria with Vella starting to put his silly allusions about being on the Earth and a Power Ranger to Vella's joyous glee.  Meanwhile, the Fear Cats have arrived with Agrios to destroy the city (Which apparently is called San Angeles??? O_o).  But the zords still down, Mack suggests piloting the Flashpoint Megazord in Tyzonn's absence.  When Mr. Hartford tells him he hasn't learned to manage the megzaord like Tyzonn, he tells him off and calls him simply 'Mr. Hartford"!!! Jesus, right in the feels with this Mack/android subplot! :( As the Fear Cats continue attacking the city, Mack arrives in the Flashpoint Megazord and begins battling them.

AS the battle doesn't go to well, Tyzonn and Vella continue making plans together but Tyzonn is suddenly adamant about going back to Earth and checking things out to make sure his assumptions were indeed just a dream.  But Vella is firm in Tyzonn to stay and not leave her; making him want to stay but clearly something is no visibly up with Vella.  Not to too soon do we see Vella showing her true colors as she wants Tyzonn to give up his rescuing job and he realizes she doesn't seem like her.  After his Mercury morpher falls out her clothes, Tyzonn realizes she isn't who she says and everything did happen.  Turns out she's been Crazar all along as she has been keeping him busy while the other two Fear Cats finish off the other rangers.  Seems that Vella is still alive and Crazar replicated her form to use against Tyzonn to fool him; meaning she is very much still alive.  As the fight between Agrios and the Flashpoint megazord becomes more intense and Mack begins to lose, the other rangers arrive after not finding Ty to witness it.  Meanwhile, Tyzonn has broken completely through Crazar's illusion and after morphing as well as an intense fight, he manages to destroy her for good...even without learning of Vella's whereabouts.  Back in the city, Mack suddenly decides since the megazord is taking too much damage and is quickly running out of power, he will overpower the rest of it; taking out him and the Fear Cats with him.  Luckily, before Mack can sacrifice himself, the rest of the rangers arrive with their main zords to help him battle them.  It actually turns into a really awesome massive megazord brawl as we see the DriveMax Megazord, Flashpoint Megazord and DualDrive Megazord join forces to defeat Agrios.  But even as they fight their best, Agrios with the Fear Cats' armor and chalice as a power source is still too much for the 3 megazords....until Tyzonn finally arrives with the Battlefleet Megazord to join the fight.  WE get an awesome final assault from all 4 megazord as well as the DriveMax Megazord wielding the Sentinel sword to on top of the Battlefleet zord to destroy the monster with one final strike! Oh and the other villains have been watching the fight the whole time by witnessing the rangers destroying the Agrios.

After such an intense zord fight, you'd think the episode would slow down and head straight toward a conclusion but there is still plenty of time as get one of the most extensive and brutal fights of the show as the 6 rangers confront the Feat Cats for one last battle that really lasts longer than you'd expect.  What's so incredible about this fight is the rangers really give it their all in this fight despite the Fear Cats being stronger with some excellent fight choreography and satisfyingly straight forward fight sequence with not too many Kalishplosions everywhere. You can really tell this is a boss battle type fight lol and Mack using his battlizer to finish off the last of the Fear Cats after Tyzonn destroys another is spectacular.  It's one of the very rare times I was so invested in the story as well as action of this season without it being ruined by this season's incompetent writing.  So with the Fear Cats now destroyed, the villains begin planning their final strategies against the rangers and getting the other jewels while the rangers bring the Octavian Chalice to the mansion where they will begin using it to find the last jewel.  But before the episode ends, we get another heartbreaking moment between Mack and his father where he just writes off his father's judgement over risking his life like which Mack just said he should have upgraded him not to......ok, now I'm just feeling so bad for Hartford...then again, he brought it on himself so I understand both sides of this family conflict/rift between father and son.  It's just so depressing to watch Mack so so much heartlessness and disregard for his father like this...but it certainly gives this season once again that depth and genuine seriousness it needed to be far more enjoyable than initially.  Best episode by far, bar none! I'm shocked and am actually looking forward to the next 4 episodes left??? I swear this show has me like night and day so much, I can't take this inconsistency with this show anymore! lol

Final Morph: A+


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