Season 15, Episode 25: Things Not Said

"Things Not Said"
Episode 25
Air Date: September 3rd, 2007 (Jetix)/September 7th, 2007 about an unexpected turn in tone and substance!!! O_0  I guess that prolonged twist involving Mack wasn't so bad after all??? O_O  "Things Not Said" is a battlizer introduction episode yet the story is so serious and morbid you forget how cheesy and over the top the execution is with said debut of battlizer and over the top fight sequence where Mack is covered in Sentinel Knight armor that talks.....YEAH!!! O_O *Shivers* Even the episode begins all mysterious, even ominous with Mack showing the rangers photos of when he was a kid and Dax of all people (I know!) notices that Mack doesn't cast a shadow in the picture but the tree next to him does.  As Spencer enters, he quickly tells the rangers head downstairs and almost saddening how takes the album with Mack's old photos and closes it...hmmmmmmm!!!!  O_o  Down in the base, the guys join Ronny and Rose as Hartford uses his database to decipher the relic as well as learn that Rose has created a new weapon that no human can use.......then why did you make it sooo powerful in the first place??? O_O  Anyway, the rangers soon get a red alert and head out into the city to spot the disturbance.  While Mack heads to back of the building to investigate, the rest of the rangers stay in the front until they are confronted by a monster created by Kamdor as he and Miratrix are busy fighting Mack while also doing something with one of the computers that will sabotage the rangers' megazord.  So while Kamdor makes his monster grow and Mack rejoins them, the rangers summon their Battlefleet Megazord which the monster quickly effects with a computer virus.

Unbeknownst to the rangers,  the virus that the monster put in the megazord has also reached their base as when they return to the mansion and the system goes down until the reserve power comes on to replace the malfunction.  ......But not only has the database been effected....but in a seriously creepy moment, Mack seems to be glitches like some type of machine......O_O.....if that wasn't bad enough, the next scene we see of Mack in his head on a table as his father and Spencer try to repair him.  Even after being repaired, Mack is beyond shocked by the fact that he is an android as his father tells him.  I have to say, this has to be one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the show and I'm finding it almost impossible to believe that the writers of this season could come up with such a gut-wrenching twist.  I mean not only is the acting strong as hell in this scene but the part where Mack tells his father he should have built the right woman too and not just him......OUCH!!! :_(  Honestly, I feel so bad for Mack and absolutely get why he lets the other rangers go out to stop Miratrix and Kamdor as that kind of revelation is devastating! Of course, while Kamdor and Miratrix are fighting the 5 rangers as they use the data they stole from their base to get to the fourth jewel, we get yet another pretty heartwarming scene as Spencer comes to Mack's side and reminds him he may not be human but he is still loved by his father, fellow rangers and especially him....ewwwwww, Spencer the Butler, the MVP of this season bar none.  I love his character sooooo much! He's the Alfred to the rangers' Batman and it works so well despite the immense flaws of this season regardless. Anyway, Mack is able to find the strength to help the others while they are being overpowered by 5 monsters plus Miratrix while Kamdor finds the fourth jewel.  He uses Rose extremely dangerous Sentinel weapon she made out of Sentinel Knight and like I said, uses it to create his Sentinel armor for his battlizer.

Of course, the following sequence of Mack using it to defeat the monsters is as over the top and goofy as this show usually gets but it gets the job done like always and by now, we've seen dumber battlizers and this one is harmless....for the most part anyway outside of the hokey CGI acrobatics. O_O  Anyway, all 6 rangers surround Miratrix, Kamdor attacks and reveals he has the fourth jewel for the crown.  As the rangers demorph from their sudden assault, Ronny manages to use her brain for once and uses her superspeed to grab the fourth jewel before the two make their way off with it.  Nice!!! Smartest thing anyone of them have done all season.....but what's up with Mack being alive after using Rose's very dangerous weapon.  So in the next scene, he reveals to the rangers he is an android...but it makes you wonder what Hartford told the rangers when Mack started glitching like that.  O_O Ohhh and of course, the scene starts off really sweet before Dax of all Dumbs makes an idiotic comment about being able to play DVDs in his head....awwww.....why couldn't Dax be a robot instead so you can turn him off!!! -_-  But honestly, the end of the episode is the most heartbreaking as when Mack's dad want to talk it out about everything, Mack very coldly avoids talking to him...indefinitely.  Jesus!!! Finally, some serious emotional depth and drama for this show instead of the redundant meandering of the main story.  A very well hinted at twist with a gripping pay of that really keeps you invest for the first time in this season.....again...WWOOOWW! :)

Final Morph: A-


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