Season 24, Episode 6: My Friend, Redbot

"My Friend, Redbot"
Episode 6
Air Date: March 8th, 2017
I don't know why but I thoroughly enjoyed this episode in all its innocence and cuteness when it came to Hayley and her unlikely dilemma with Redbot. It's overly sentimental but still overall, pretty harmless. Tho I find it continuously hilarious how there are teams of rangers where certain ones believe that a robot CAN'T be human given that this is the same universe where Mack use to be an Android. It makes sense given that it wouldn't be public knowledge and given the ohhh too soon future of S.P.D. where robots are considered dangerous in the future. But I think it's because the plot of the episode was handled well with the monster story at hand alongside Hayley having to realize she hurt Redbot's feelings and that he's not like every other machine she has encountered. I liked seeing her go after him as well as him saving her from Badpipes, a monster sent from Ripcon to once again obtain the power stars. I like that these monster have been very good in almost gaining victories over the rangers via their power stars but luckily, the team having some genuine allies ready to jump in and save them. Seeing Hayley and Redbot bond was really cute, especially when he temporarily goes offline and she has to try to carry him back to safety. Jesus, Hayley is a bozz and shows how compassionate she is as a character, which has already been kind of highlighted with her supportive relationship with Calvin. She's definitely open and very kind to things she doesn't understand; willing to learn from her mistakes quickly. :)
I also enjoyed the incorporation of Hayley's dog, Kody and it makes me notice this is definitely the first season where a ranger team has had a pet that frequently makes appearances because one of the rangers' own it. He definitely is a useful ally during this episode able to bring Hayley's broken com watch to the other rangers as well as hilariously assisting the rangers during battle by getting Badpipes'....uhhh bagpipes away from him. Of course, with their weapons and some assistance from one of the Mega Morph cycles, the rangers are able to defeat Badpipes but ends up being GIGANTFYED by Cosmo Royale for Galaxy Warriors; leading to your usual megazord battle where the rangers destroy Badpipes once and all. This of course, is the part where I must talk about Victor and Monty, who once again make Bulk and Skull's hijnks seem like OScar worthy material compared to this horrendous crap! -_- My god, they are completely unrealisitic and don't even make sense as a comedy duo to begin with. He's a high school jock and he's a nerd!!! Why are they acting like best friends and Monty his personal cheerleader!!?? Monty should hate him and if they wanted it to be a comedic duo, have Victor trying to bully Monty all the time while Monty gets back at him sometimes. AHHHHHHH!!!
But there is another reason I do really enjoy this episode as we get some mysterious plot movement with Madame Odius and the Gold power star. There seems to be more too it than her just having the star as she goes to a hidden room on the ship and reveals a captured individual who apparently a stowaway on the ship and seems to be using the power star on him or her to turn them into her personal ranger or slave??? Hmmmmm it definitely is a nice build up on the missing Gold Star and what's in store for a 6th ranger as this definitely hasn't been a type of storyline seen on the show. A brainwashed ranger as apposed to one under a spell like the original green ranger or out for revenge like the Thunder Rangers. Can't wait for the reveal on this plot point! :)
Final Morph: A-
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