Season 15, Episode 17: It's Hammer Time

"It's Hammer Time"
Episode 17
Air Date: July 2nd, 2007

Well, I guess this episode has a fun quality to it with the whole Norse mythology thrown in with the globe trotting theme as Rose manages to find the possible location of the third jewel once she figures out the little statue they got in Portugal actually shows its face on Mars which is looking at the very location of the third jewel. As they hunt down for the third jewel in Mexico, they are quickly intercepted by Miratrix and Kamdor, who quickly unleash a monster on them that they make to grow.  The rangers immediately morph and use both their megazords to destroy it....before the Chillers soon arrive to take the relics aka the cannon and Thor's hammer to find the third jewel.  While the rangers take on the Chillers, Ronny looks after the relics...only to be confronted by Thor himself.  Awwwww, he sure is no Chris Hemsworth is he??!! O_o  Nice tan tho! :P So Thor demands his hammer back from Ronnie but tells them the rangers desperately need it.  As the rangers need her help, Thor convinces her to trust him with the hammer as he uses it to destroy all the Chillers.  But even after the rangers are grateful and ask for it back, Thor is mysterious selfish in giving it back.  Back at the mansion, Ronnie alongside Will tries to convince him to let them use it as the fate of the world is at stake, but the Thunder God just continues to be an obnoxious slob.  Oh and he thinks Ronny is someone called Freya, an apparent goddess and wants her to join him. Although, I just so pissed that the rangers just don't take the hammer from Thor and need his permission to take it! -_-  Desperate times calls for desperate measures and I'm pretty sure you guys have enough power to get it from him until you don't need it anymore!

Meanwhile, after the other 4 rangers failed to get to the third jewel with the Cannon of Ki Amuk, Hartford tries to convince Thor for his help, especially when he mentions he's after the jewels.  As Thor tries to pathetically crack open the boulder with his hammer, soon Ronnie and the other rangers begin noticing something is extremely off about him.  Soon Moltor and his lava lizards attack the rangers as they morph and fend them off.  Suddenly, out of nowhere a lightning storm summons Thor himself as the rangers are shocked by the sight of two of them.  As Moltor retreats, the real Thor reveals that his imposter is in fact Loki, the God of Mischief.  Once again, no Tom Hiddleston for sure especially!!! But I'm more angered and baffled that Loki was able to outsmart them by making them "look over there" like a bunch of second graders at recess instead of tricking them with his magic!  Once again, you writers manage to make our heroes into the most idiotic humans known to mankind!!! Are you kidding me, this isn't funny anymore!!! -_-  Anyway, as the rangers and Thor try to figure out a way to get the hammer back, Ronnie remembers that Loki think she's the goddess Freya and uses herself as a way to lure him in and take the hammer back.  It hilariously works as Spencer is revealed to have been Ronny the whole time during the ruse while Loki makes his way off in retreat.  Unfortunately, they stil must contend with Flurious and his Chillers while the Fear Cats has built a new super-powered giant robot to attack the city.  As the core five rangers deal with the attack on the city, the Mercury Ranger and Thor finish off the Chillers just as Flurious retreats by the overwhelming strength of the Thunder God.  HA! :)

As the rangers struggle with the Fear Cats, help soon arrives with Tyzonn in the Flashpoint Megazord.  But when both megazords are still outclassed by the giant robot, Thor arrives as well to give them a hand in defeating them before both the DriveMax Ultrazord and Flashpoint Megazord destroy them together as a team.  Back in Mexico, after the rangers successfully use the hammer and cannon to reveal yet another clue to the next jewel's location and bid Thor farewell after giving him his hammer, Moltor attacks the 6 rangers out of nowhere and steals the relic they just found; ending the episode. "It's Hammer Time" has a nice adventurous theme to it with the Norse mythology elements and Spencer once again stealing the show as master of disguise but once again, our heroes are made to look like the most basic of idiots while trying to save the day.  How is it that they have made it this far when anyone can just misdirect them like a bunch of 6 year olds!??? Scratch that, I'm insulting the 6 year olds unfairly!!! O_O -_-

Final Morph: C-


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