Season 15, Episode 14: Man of Mercury, Part 2

"Man of Mercury, Part 2"
Episode 14
Air Date: May 28th, 2007

We continue from Part 1 as Part 2 begins with the rangers heading back to the city and figuring out more about the jewel and its possible whereabouts.  Ronny drops off the rest of the team in the city while she heads back to the mansion so Hartford can quickly and hopefully bring Tyzonn back.  As the two Fear Cats continue to ravage the city in hopes of drawing the rangers to them, the four finally arrive and confront them.  Back at the mansion, Ronny frantically watches as Mr. Hartford tries to bring Tyzonn back with a machine that could convert the mercury back to human form.  Luckily it works as Ronny is so happy to see him again before rushing off to help the rest of the team. Seeing Tyzonn as a valuable ally, Hartford offers him a place on the team and even hands him a morpher...which only brings back more horrifying memories from his past.  As Tyzonn ominously turns him down, Ronny joins the others but even with all 5 rangers, the Fear Cats are too strong for them.  As Hartford watches and realizes they need help, Tyzonn makes his way to the battle as the Fear Cats are shocked he is still alive after they destroyed him.  As the 6 fight, the manage to defeat the two...only before they grow big and the zords must be called.  While the DriveMax Ultrazord has some difficultly at first, the rangers still manage to finish the Fear Cats off with Tyzonn looking on in disbelief that it's all over.

As the rangers and Ty return to the mansion, they tell Hartford and Spencer how they finally defeated their new enemies while congratulating Tyzonn for being on the team.  But a deeply saddened Tyzonn says he can't join them and even tho the Fear Cats are gone, his mission is over and must return home.  Meanwhile, Norg some how found the dead bodies of the two Fear Cats as he drags them into Flurious' lair.  Since those two devices were too powerful for his two chillers, he will use them to revive the Fear Cats and make them work for him! But even after reviving them, the Fear Cats only play along and continue their own plans! Seriously, you resurrect them and give them more power, what did you think they were gonna do Flurious!??? O_o Great job! Back at the mansion, Tyzonn begins telling the rangers, Mr. Hartford and Spencer about his full backstory as he was apart of an elite emergency rescue team, the best in the galaxy apparently, when they were on a mission to stop the Fear Cats from attacking a mine shaft.  His team managed to get the people out but fearing they would get away (pun not intended! ;P), he sent them back in.  But the Fear Cats not only made it out, they tricked them and blew up the cave while his team went in.  Even as Tyzonn tried to go after them, it was too late and his team was trapped and ultimately perished because of his decision.......Damn!!! Poor Ty Ty!!! :( And yes, I'm calling him Ty Ty so shut up! :P

As Tyzonn leaves, Ronny quickly meets up with him outside and we get another touching scene between the two as Ronny gives Tyzonn a surprisingly inspiring speech about heroism as it wasn't his fault he lost his team and as heroes they don't always win, but the point is to keep fighting.  ....Ok.....who wrote this episode??! The f@#$!!! O_o  How dare you give us good writing all of sudden Overdrive!!! :P  Anyway, the rangers must quickly contend with the Fear Cats again but this time they have a nice ole upgrade thanks to Flurious.  As they fight, the rangers are practically dragged and tossed around....Jesus!!!  O_O Even the very silly looking and gimmicky Transtek Cycle and Hovercraft Cycle aren't enough to beat them.  Luckily, helps arrives in the form of a uniform like the others and with a morpher as well..... Ok before I go any further, let me just talk about the Overdrive suits because I was gonna talk about them in my episode 2 review but since I forgot.... They...suck!!! O_o  The metal shoulder pads are probably what throw it off the most and I don't get the whole globe trotting/treasure hunt theme from them.  At least with the Turbo suits, it made sense.  Car themed suits because their powers come from their turbo technology aka cars. Zeo had shapes but made sense with the mystical crystal power source and continued use of ancient animal based zords.  If you look at the Overdrive suits, you honestly wouldn't know what the theme was for the season, especially the whole construction aspect of the aesthetics of the zords themselves.

That being said, the Mercury Ranger suit is the worst suit in the show's history so far for me!!! It's basically everything terrible about the original 5 suits and magnified by 1,000!!! It almost feels like a parody of a 6th Ranger, especially with the....-_-.....metal detector for a weapon!!!  The orange lining mixed with the overabundance of chrome.....EEWWWWW!!! My eyes!!! o_o  Anyway, in 6th ranger intro fashion, Tyzonn easily outfights and forces the Fear Cats into a retreat from being toooooo badass and the rangers manage to head back to Portugal to see if the archaeologists are still ok.  And for their help and protection, one of them gives the rangers a small Tiki for their appreciation...which turns out to have a very strong jewel reading, meaning they are that much closer to getting all 5 jewels! Nice! Overall, the best two episodes of the season that really use the newest character to give the show some needed depth and drama that feels authentic and not undermined by laughs or the rangers' overwhelming selfishness so this season.

Final Morph: B


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