Season 15, Episode 16: Just Like Me

"Just Like Me"
Episode 16
Air Date: June 18th, 2007 as if the writers really just don't care about consistency or basic human decency when it comes to its characters.  You see Tyzonn seemed like a very sympathetic and interesting character after his run of episodes, only to be completely decimated by the ill fate of this season's atrocious writing for its characters.  Now, I'll admit, Tyzonn wanting to be like Will was pretty hilarious at first and I chuckled....but my goodness, anything good this season immediately turns to offensive, irritating none sense as soon as Tyzonn becomes an obnoxious jerk in his attempt to become just like Will to blend into society on Earth.  This includes....him going completely solo in fights that should involve the whole team and making things so much worse because he refuses to listen.  Also, the whole corn roll wig is by far the most insulting thing I've seen on this show.  Let's just forget the fact again that the black guy is the black ranger and focus on how that part of the episode is just uncalled for. Also, what is up with Mack forcing Will and Tyzonn to work out their differences when Will is completely in the right (surprise! I know! O_O) complaining about Tyzonn pretty much sabotaging the mission by wanting to be him so bad. They didn't need to work anything out, Tyzonn needed to stop being a BDA aka Big Dumb Alien all episode just to serve the  horrendous comedy of this episode.  Seriously, these writers can go take these scripts and make the biggest bonfire in existence.  Yeah....I went there!!! -_-

If that wasn't bad enough, we get this embarrassingly bad subplot where Norg decides to fun away because he's sick and tired of Flurious using him and making him feel unappreciated.  He goes to Moltor's lair, which I just don't understand how Norg can travel from apparently one side of the world to the other considering he's just a Yeti and shouldn't be hott as all hell in that kind of heat?!!! O_o  There's even a ridiculously unfunny scene of Norg imagining Flurious missing him and pretty much worshiping Norg as he returns to the ice cave.  I just.....why...why??? We don't NEED this kind of comic relief on this show.  It just takes away more valuable time from the story by focusing on characters who are useless and beyond annoying.  Norg can go jump into the ocean and get knocked out by an ice berg he didn't see coming...Eh!!!  I guess helping Moltor with giving him some Chiller stones was suppose to make him seem like an asset but clearly it was more for laughs than an actual plot point to be invested in.  Clearly Norg is not a character here for development or any type of arc.  Just to be stupid, abused and a very grating punchline every episode he's in!!! GAAAHH!! -_-

In main plot news, the rangers are going after Motlor to stop him from getting his hands on Thor's hammer aka Mjlnoir before he gets any closer in using it's immense power to find the other jewels.  Of course, after Tyzonn STOPS being a complete cocky idiot in pretending to be Will, he finally is able to actually save Will's life during a rock slide HE caused and is able to take back Mjlnoir back from Moltor to help the rangers defeat three powered up Lava Lizards who were about to destroy them.  Not bad, not bad at all....this episode is still a pile of horse excrement!!! Intellectually deficient, storytelling worthy of a poorly written afterschool special and a practically agonizing antics from some of these characters. EHHH!! :(  I know it's not a real grade but you know I've used it before on my reviews when an episode has reach a point of insufferable, amateur filth!!!

Final Morph: F-


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