Season 15, Episode 15: Behind The Scenes

"Behind The Scenes"
Episode 15
Air Date: June 4th, 2007/ June 11th, 2007

Well, we got the 6th ranger introduction episode and now it's time to introduce his megazord!!! And I'm even more surprised to say that the megazord actually looks cool as hell!!! Which is weird??? Also, the construction design is strangely absent for a search and rescue theme.....weird??? O_o  Anyway, Flurious is all upset....mostly cause Norg is being his usually pain in a$$ self as Flurious is eager to get his hands on the cannon of Ki Amuk; apparently some new random powerful weapon that he MUST have!!!  Unfortunately, Kamdor just stops by and seamlessly kills (destroys! Gah!) two chillers as he walks in.  Badass but seriously Flurious, where's the security??? Living on an ice cap is NO excuse!!! Anyway, Kamdor has come to temporarily join forces with Flurious to help him get the Cannon as well as keeping the new Mercury Ranger out of their they ponder in synchronization!! O_o  Meanwhile, back at the Hartford mansion, Tyzonn can't stop bothering Mr. Hartford about the new zord he's working on for him until Spencer comes in and almost spills the beans about it. lol  Also, Andrew has a visitor in the form of news reporter, Jessica Jeffries; an old colleague of his from college as she has come over to ask his permission to quickly interview the rangers on her talk show.  Hartford is first against it, but can't help but give into her in a matter of seconds.  I mean you guys are literally on a treasure hunt to save the world but whatever, since Power Rangers being on TV is too bad to pass up, especially as Andrew mentions is like it's never happened. BEFORE!!! O_O *Quick flashback to Light, Camera, Action where the MMPR team is being interviewed on a talk show*......*headdesk*!!!

During the talk show, Jessica quickly gets the rangers to introduce themselves, but apparently Dax is do nervous and blanks out of who he is; leaving Tyzonn to bail him out on National humiliation.  I mean it's Dax guys, when doesn't he sound like an irritating babbling idiot!? O_o  Anyway, during the commercial break, Miratrix disguises herself as from the Mayor's office and tells Jessica he wants the rangers to have  6 metals he got for them.  Clearly, this is part of Kamdor's plan to get rid of Tyzonn as the metal begins to weaken him as the show wraps up and the rangers leave.  As Miratrix tells Kamdor she was successful in giving the reporter the metals, Flurious is busy making sure his newest giant robot is ready to track the whereabouts of the Cannon of Ki Amuk but unfortunately the Fear Cats have gotten a hold of Flurious' massive machine.  As Flurious yells out for them betraying him as they take off, the rangers are preparing to head to Indonesia when the small Tiki they got last episode leads them to a powerful energy source there they think is the third jewel.  As the 6 morph, Tyzonn can't and grows weaker while Hartford takes care of him and the rangers head to their destination.  As the rangers head to the power source, they are attacked by one of the Fear Cats while the other digs deep into ground with the giant robot to obtain the Cannon of Ki Amuk. As the robot rises, the Fear Cat shows the massive power of the cannon as blast a nearby mountain.  The rangers immediately call for their main 5 zords but the DriveMax Megazord gets badly damaged to the point where the megazord splits back into its 5 components.  Even as the rangers try to keep fighting, the Fear Cats just keep blasting their zords to the point where they are too damaged to function.  DAMN!!! O_O

Meanwhile, back in the city, Jessica and the cameraman quickly head out into the city to cover the attack by the Fear Cats and the apparent defeat of the rangers.  One thing I don't understand if how the reporter knew to check the Mayor's office for the legitimacy of the metals she gave the rangers when it would have been much more believable if Mr. Hartford and Spencer investigate and figured it out after talking with Jessica.  But whatever, reporter chick has apparently impeccable intuition and thank god just in time as even when the Overdrive team try to combat the Fear Cats with their auxiliary zords, they get damaged as well.  Luckily, help soon arrives in the form of the Mercury ranger in his new zord: Fire Rescue as well as Rescue Runners 1 and 2!!! It's the first time an individual zord has this type of mini zords with it and its actually cool.  The 3 form into the Flashpoint Megazord and like I said the thing is a thing of beauty and more than able to destroy the Fear Cats's giant robot...or Flurious'! lol Now with the cannon in possession of the rangers, Flurious, Kamdor and the defeat Fear Cats end up in a threeway faceoff where no one comes out on top.  As the episode concludes, the rangers receive real metals this time from the Mayor and even get a big acknowledgment from Jessica for them and Hartford saving the day once again. Awwwww how nice and she even got a promotion! Not surprised since her investigation skills with make Lois Lane groan!!! lol All and All, " Behind the Scenes" despite some bizarre plot points isn't all that bad but not as good as it could have been.  The new zord intro was great but then you realize there have been too many actually this season. O_o  At this one was extremely necessary and looked great out of all the megazords this season so far.  Hmmmm...what should I give this one??? o_o

Final Morph: C


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