Season 14, Episode 4: Rock Solid

"Rock Solid"
Episode 4
Air Date: March 3rd, 2006

Is it just me or Nick...kind of a MAJOR d!ck??? O_O  I'm sorry but he is seriously rubbing me the wrong way as a character and ranger. -_-  yeah, he eventually realizes that Madison isn't shy but expresses herself in her own way behind the camera and apologizes to her but are we just gonna forget before hand when the rangers needed to save the day and Nick decided to brush off what happened between the two of them instead of telling the other rangers.  Even after Madison is turned to stone by the monster of the week, Nick is more adamant and sticking to his guns about Madison being all meek and not having a life instead of being caring and empathetic to her current condition.  I'm sorry, and it's not just Nick's actor, it's the writing for the character that is coming off stand-off, stubborn and cold. -_-  THIS is the current leader of a team of Power Rangers??? WOW! O_O  I guess besides that grating little plot point, the episode isn't bad but I certainly didn't enjoy it as much as the last.  The villains themselves seemed more competent last episode when they seem more determined to just destroy the rangers as soon as possible, now they're just resorting to the usual over elaborate plans to takeover the surface world when their main objective should still be getting rid of the rangers.  Also, what's up with Necroli NOT telling Clawbster to just turn the rangers into stone when they were down and defeated??? She just laughs and teleports away like they won't continue to try in stop her!!! Just cause their one ranger down doesn't mean the rest won't be trouble, get rid of them now! EHHHH!!!

I guess I'm suppose to talk about the neat new things the rangers earn this episode...but all I kept thinking is "I hope this doesn't turn into another frequent episode hand out of random new weapons/zords/power-ups" like Wild Force!? -_-  I mean when Nick goes after Koragg and his army of Styxoids (A second form of foot soldiers apparently), he suddenly gets a new spell code because he learned her was wrong and was fighting for Madison??? Huh??? O_o  Since when is that worthy of gaining a power advancement??? And I'm sorry, but the Mystic Speeder.....Zzzzzzzzz!!! Just more reason to make the action scenes more unbearable and over the top with those damn Kalishplosions that are seriously becoming irritating to eye at this point.  Also, what was the point of Madison and her little romance with some guy she meets in the park named Ben.  I guess it was suppose to show her how brave she is and NOT shy but I just found it pointless and poor way of showing that she is the opposite of what Nick thought she was.  Oh and by the end of the episode, Madison has enough courage to go on a date with him and Nick thinks Madison can take of herself despite Vida being overprotective...uhhh huh....suuurrreee Nick! Jealous much??? She wouldn't even have met him if...ewwwww!!! O_O

Anyway, once the rangers destroying Clawbster and everyone turned to stone turn back, we get the official monster growing method of the season with Koragg performing a spell that makes Clawbster grow.  Suddenly, Madison gets a spell code (For. WHAT???) and now the rangers can use their Mystic Titans to combine into the Titan Megazord and I have to admit, that megazord is a freakin' beauty!!! :)  Gorgeous cockpit as well as I love the ethereal, chess piece theme of it.  The battle between the megazord and Clawbster also isn't have bad and I actually love how they use the zord's saber as a way to seal the monster with a spell; destroying it.  Gives it an epic feel with the magic theme as it should.  Sigh...other than that, nothing special.  The Master is down there constantly winking at the villains and the story is all build, no payoff but I mean we're still in the early stages of the season.  I'm just being impatient I guess!

Final Morph: C-


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