Season 13, Episode 32: History

Episode 32
Air Date: October 11th, 2005

Oh well what do you know, A TEAM UP EPISODE?!? o_O  And it's a welcomed return for last season's Dino Rangers who kicked ass and took names alongside Tommy.  I guess while it's always exciting to have last season's team join forces with the current season's team, "History" has some glaring flaws and plot holes that a casual fan might not see really but diehards will.  All of a sudden Professor Cerebros is back, like the REAL one when I thought Kraw got rid of him or captured him, I need to rewatch that episode.  Also, while it's nice to hear about Onyx again, how did the Dino Gems get their powers back??!  Last time, the Dinos used all their powers from their dino gems to destroy Mesogog...sooo huh??? -_-  Not to mention, while it's awesome to see Connor, Ethan and Kira back right from the get go, how exactly did they know their dino gems were behind them and empowered again??!!! O_o  I mean their veteran rangers and have that natural instinct powers or no, but they were just transported to the future for like 10 seconds and they already know what to do to escape....meh??! O_o  I mean I guess it saved us from yet another "Rangers turned evil against the newest team" like what they did last season but I just didn't find that believable.  yes, I know, a show about multicolored heroes saving the day from rubber suited monsters and led by a Dog Man as well as a Cat Woman isn't believable!!! Have I been re-watching this show too long?? lol

Despite all that, it really is fun as hell to see last season's Dino trio immediately back in action ready to fight and owning the Krybots in a fight with their fighting skills (Oh and of course, their civilian powers as well thanks to the gems having power again). Of course, back at S.P.D. headquarters, Kat sees the three energy readings that show rangers in the city, thanks to their gems tapping into the morphing grid again (I always LOVE the mention of that ongoing power source of the rangers themselves :)  Soon the B-Squad as Cruger and Kat wonder who the mysterious rangers are, after the rangers believe it could be A-Squad returning (Yeah, them! O_o), they head out to assist the Dino Rangers as Broodwing flies off.  As the Dino Rangers are confused by the SPD Rangers, the SPD rangers take them to their headquarters and introduce them to Cruger as well as Kat.  Gotta love the dialogue here from Connor no so subtle hitting on Syd to Syd mentioning how out dated the dinosaur motif is! LMAO The dialogue really sparked and felt more engrossing than usual...must be the Dino Tunder cast returning that's invigorating some new excitement here. Not that S.P.D. needs it but it's definitely welcomed.  Unfortunately, Broodwing has unleashed a new Dragoul (Another one!!? -_-) as it's attacking...the quarry.....sigh.  Soon Cruger and the other rangers advise the Dino Rangers to stay as they are not from their time and it could effect the future drastically if something were to happen to them.  B-Squad meets up with the Dragoul in S.W.A.T. mode and begin to attack it but it manages to escape underground.  As grumm prepares to rid the world of the rangers once and for all with his army, the Dragoul rises again as a giant monster in the city; forcing Cruger to send Sam to face off with him in his megazord while Cruger helps the other rangers who are being overwhelmed by the sudden arrival of Grumm's army.

While the Shadow Ranger arrives to assist them, soon Grumm and Morganag arrive to lead his army in defeating all the rangers and I gotta say, once again, Grumm proves he's more than a formidable foe against the rangers; able to even force Jack to demorph despite being in his Battlizer mode.  So with the rangers getting their ass kicked by Grumm and his army while the Omega Ranger is getting OWNED by another Dragoul, the Dino Ranger decide to break orders and go to help them. But before they go, Kat asks for their Dino gems.  As Grumm and his army prepare to finish off the demorphed rangers, the Dino Rangers soon arrive to help them out.  And her comes the moment that makes all these team-ups awesome, those damn explosions as each team morphs...we even get a random explosion before they morph......OH BOY, it's not even Overdrive yet and these explosions are becoming relentless porn show! O_o  Even the fight itself is more explosions with crazy zooming in instead of the usual impeccable fight choreography that usually makes these battles spectacular.  In this case, less would have been A LOT MORE! Anyway, after defeating Grumm and Morgana, the core 5 aid the Omega Ranger in finishing off the Dragoul...but apparently, there even another one underground that Broodwing mentions before the end of the episode.  HUH??? o_O  I mean overall, this was great team-up episode only spoiled by some annoying plot holes and final battle fatigue with the aggravating Kalishsplosions.  Also, why did the Dino Rangers' memories have to be erased??? Was it because they know about their futures as apparently a rock superstar, a founder of major soccer camps and the CEO of a enormous science organization???  I guess but it just makes this little team up adventure seem kind of waste....especially since the Dino Rangers will bump into the SPD Rangers...again! O_o

Final Morph: B+


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