Season 11, Episode 19: Scent of A Ranger

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"Scent of A Ranger"
Episode 19
Air Date: June 14th, 2003

I don't know what it is about this episode that I enjoyed the hell out of it so much...but I REALLY DID!!! :)  Ok, maybe I do know why I LOVED it so much that because, unlike last episode 1) The focus on Cam this time made sense and hella entertaining given the dilemma at hand.  Now while this doesn't develop Cam much, it does give us insight on his new life pulling double duty as tech expert at Ninja Ops and new ranger on the field with the other team.  It actually feels like a natural obstacle that would be in Cam's way and a lesson he would have to learn as appose to "The Samurai's Journey, Part 3" nearly tawdry way of including such an underwhelming progression for the character.  With Cam's priorities being too numerous, the rangers and his father are seriously worried if he can balance both immense responsibilities.  After falling abruptly asleep from being burnt out after a day of training and technology upgrading, Cam's quick solution to the problem is an unforeseen turn of events in the form of...a virtual duplicate aka Cyber Cam!  An outrageous and frankly obnoxious version of himself that his fellow rangers and his father can't help but question.  Turns out, Cyber Cam kind of a psycho and had Cam tied up before hanging out with the rangers.   Bro! Way to rip some serious air at the skatepark! Dude! way to catch those awesome waves! Man!! Way to kill your first ride on a motorcross bike!!! Yeah, Cyber Cam seems to be good at ALL the extreme sports the other rangers can do and seriously pisses them off one by one! Gotta love Blake being so oblivious and insulting Tori and Shane right in front of their faces! Wow!

Meanwhile, Lothor and the bunch get the idea after spying on the rangers when Blake gives Tori some awful perfume to get a monster to turn everyone in the city into....fragrances! O_o  Cause it's Power Rangers!!! Do I need to remind you of the evil pizzas episode?!!! Anyway, Fragra (Yes! I know! -_- You should be use to this by now???) starts doing so as all 6 rangers arrive to stop her in the city.  Too bad Cyber Cam is too preoccupied with checking out a new "ride" while the others are just shocked; not to mention pissed that he is just ignoring the pressing fight at hand.  As Fraga and her troops retreat, the rangers are pissed and ask Cam what this is all about but he just brushes them off while the rangers continue to look Tori and Dustin who have been transformed into fragrances (Get it! :P) because Cam was a no show.  Meanwhile, the REAL Cam escapes being tied up and it comes as a shock to his father that he is here and not with the other rangers. As he quickly tells his father what's going on, the rest of the team head to a factory where all the people turned into fragrances are.  Cyber Cam arrives to continue to annoy the hell out of them...before actual Cam show up to confuse the hell out of them.

Cam quickly tells them about Cyber Cam, why he created him because of his very demanding duties of being a ranger on top of Ninja Ops technical support and how he tied him up...huh....some glinch in that creation huh Cam??? O_o Anyway, after sending Cbyer Cam back, the rangers face off with Fragra and we get a pretty awesome fight with the four remaining rangers against her; even a moment of excellent stunt work when Cam in his Super Samurai mode beats the crap out of her with his sword.  Badass!!! :) Anyway, After Shane saves his friends and people of the city in a very explosive blast, the rangers let out all the fragrances as they turn back into people.  With Tori and Dustin back to their normal ranger selves, the reunited 6 finish off Fragra once and all.  The episode ends with Cam's dad being more lenient with him so he can enjoy more activities with his friends during his down time and Cyber Cam appears to be the moment.  I really enjoyed this episode as Cam is a great focal character for this type of story and Jason Chan was actually pretty hilarious as his robotic counterpart who couldn't stop being cool. :)

Final Morph: A-


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