Season 26, Episode 4: Digital Deception
"Digital Deception"
Episode 4
Air Date: March 30th, 2019
Honestly, this episode's plot was definitely coming in terms of Ravi's personal relationship dilemma left unsolved before Roxy's avatar came to life; leaving her in a coma and Ravi supremely guilty over ending these the way they did based on the rules of Grid Battleforce. But it's unfortunate that this plot which could have been not just emotionally heartbreaking but extremely satisfying as the potential it was given in the premiere. I think it is because it feels like the episode rushes through such a powerful, complex subject. One of the rangers is in love with an ex-girlfriend who's evil avatar is running around and he must ultimately help in destroying her even if she looks like the woman he fell in love with. The script doesn't give the arc and character development time to breath, not to mention after everything is all said and done, what exactly are the consequences for Ravi's actions that unfortunately gives their enemies' technology that will help in Evox's ultimate plan??? I mean there is also sort of a sub-plot with Nate as he seemingly is falling for Zoey and plans to give a bunch of flowers but gets yelled out by Commander Shaw for being out alone when he is too much of a necessity for Grid Battleforce; the Commander even telling him to never do it again and needing supervisor at all times when leaving Grid Battleforce. O_O
Yet Ravi goes behind his fellow rangers' wishes as well as Nate's by taking a very important device from the lab and giving it to Roxy because he so easily believes that she is fitting the Evox virus by needing his help to reverse it. I get it! It's Valentine's Day and Ravi feeling at his guiltiest because of what happened to Roxy. But he is too easily outsmarted by her and doesn't really consider anyone's opinion on the situation when clearly he could be running into a trap. Also, Ravi gets one of the lab's most important devices taken by the villains and Commander Shaw.....doesn't say a single word???!! O_o No getting yelled at or reprimanded as a soldier for putting Grid Battleforce in jeopardy and NOT facing some type serious consequence for this??? O_o This could have been a serious loss and it even makes Commander Shaw seem completely oblivious to what's going on with Ravi when she's not only his commander but his mother as well. -_- Such missed opportunity! Maybe this should have been built up gradually as well because once again, it feels rushed through and Ravi's actor's performance comes off too underwhelming because of it. Maybe we should have gotten more flashbacks or more episodes of him crying over Roxy while her evil avatar taunts him than shows him that she is starting to change because of her memories of her relationship with Ravi! Sigh......luckily, the other rangers catch on in time and manage to save him. :P
One thing that I am enjoying about this series is the fact that the rangers simultaneously fight the monster of the week and Gigadrone via a megazord battle at the same time. It's something we haven't seen much of on this show in the past. Not to mention, I absolutely LOVE the shot of both rangers finishing off their enemies at the same time as Devon destroys the Gigadrone while Ravi and Zoey destroy the construction truck monster made from the Evox virus. Overall, "Digital Deception" is too flawed to be truly an awesome emotional breakthrough of an episode for Ravi. There's also no consequences for his actions (Well, at least no yet!) when there should have been by his mother! -_- Roxy's plan was great and you could see it coming since the premiere but the writers skim through the actual heart of that dilemma and give us an episode that is too on the surface instead of having some serious depth to it. Oh well...not bad I guess. :(
Final Morph: B-
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