Season 19, Halloween Special: Trickster Treat

"Trickster Treat"
Halloween Special
Air Date: October 27th, 2012 what exactly WAS that?! O_O  ......I just can't believe that Nick would air such a meaningless, pointless episode, let alone a holiday special on an network that is literally gibberish.  "Trickster Treat" is the equivalent of having all the pieces of a puzzle....but each piece is from a different puzzle and a group of idiots are trying to put them all together to make sense or rather forcing something to make sense when there is no way it will.  -_- The episode is even suppose to be a Halloween themed episode but outside of the opening scene of the rangers in bizarre outfits attached to their suits......nothing here has to do with Halloween! Absolutely nothing! It's so random and has so purpose but to fill up a slot! That was this episode is! It feels like it took all of 12 minutes to come up with the plot, write it and sent to location in New Zealand. Let me just review this crap and save myself from the inevitable already!

So this random Nighlok, with a freakishly cool monster design wasted on this non-special, trapping the rangers in various dreams in his attempts to prove himself to Master Xandred as Xandred and Octoroo discuss his plan. Oh and it just happens to be Halloween but it plays no real part in the special thematically...even tho it's suppose to be a DAMN HALLOWEEN THEMED EVENT! -_-  Anyway, this episode is basically Lost Galaxy's Dream Battle or even Dino Thunder's In Your Dreams: an episode thrown together as quick as possible to run through as much unused footage by putting them all together and trying to make a story out of it, so making it into a dream helps with the various switches in location and tone.  But at least those episode tried to make the story somewhat coherent and make sense......Trickster Treat seems to want to tell a story but the footage that they put together doesn't even make it seem like a story is being told.  Just ADR of the rangers over random them being backup dancers for Mia during an EDM concert???? Dear LORD! o_O

Somehow the rangers figure all this stuff out and manage to break Trickster's dream spell...or so they think! It was a dream within a dream yet nothing exciting as Inception is happening onscreen! -_-  The rangers somehow see throw that too and destroy Trickster in both their collective dreams and in reality too.  Xandreds all pissed off and lashes out at Octoroo who's disappointed since the monster failing might mean no candy apples....the end! ....................Anyone have a blow torch I can borrow!!?? :) You get the coveted F negative since it's been awhile and this deserves it so much! -_- 

Final Morph: F-


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