Season 19, Episode 19: The Sealing Symbol

"The Sealing Symbol"
Episode 19
Air Date: December 1st, 2012

Welp, we're finally at the conclusion of Samurai aka BOTH seasons (....mother of God, thank you! :_(), so now it's time for the final battle between the rangers and Master Xandred himself.  Picking up where the last episode left off, Xandred has returned thanks to Dayu's clever rouse to have Mia strike her harmonium to unleash a dark cloud of misery and pain upon the Earth.  Pretty dark stuff all things considered but that's just the Sentai being translated! :P Anyway, Dayu's last wish is for her to be free of her pain and misery as Xandred absorbs her into him a white patch on his chest.  Apparently, he has absorbed Dayu's humanity...or what was left of it as the rangers prepare to protect Lauren while she does the sealing symbol to lock away Xandred for good.  Of course, in main villain vs rangers fashion, Xandred is too powerful for them even tho they keep fighting.  He treats them like a nuisance as he repeatably blasts them hard until they are too hurt to move while he moves toward Lauren.  Luckily, she has finished the long and very powerful symbol and uses it against Xandred....seemingly trapping him forever...until he reveals he's just fine! Yes, Xandred is NOT sealed away since the humanity he took from Dayu now protects him from the sealing symbol.

Yeah, so the rangers are majorly screwed as Xandred walks through them with a powerful attack badly hurts Lauren as well as incapacitates the other rangers.  Jayden, finally doing something besides watching, runs over and uses his symbol power to teleport them away to safety while Xandred prepares for the Nighlok invasion and Earth's ultimate destruction.  So back at the Shiba House, everyone is going over how screwed they are now that the sealing symbol won't work and Lauren has been sending all her life for said moment of grave importance...only for it to be all for nothing.  Whatever, Lauren is still more awesome than ALL of you sheep! -_-  Anyway, Lauren tells Jayden to go back to leading the team now that her purpose is useless in stopping Xandred.  Everyone's all excited as Lauren declares Jayden their leader again and Jayden comes up with an idea to attack Xandred's human part he took from Dayu to actually destroy him once and for all.  The other rangers are reasonably skeptical as hell over such as dumb plan to just attack with more power but Lauren so reveals even tho she's too injured to fight she has put enough symbol power in a Shiba fire disc that they should be able to destroy Xandred if they hit the spot.

The next day, Xandred wastes no time as he and Octoroo being arriving on his ship as the Sanzu river begins to flood the city.  The rangers arrive for their final battle and make dumb comments before hand before morphing and charging into battle.  Oh look, they won't shut up and keep talking as they fight....mother of God help us all!!! O_O Anyway, Xandred soon arrives and the 6 rangers coordinate their group assault to make it to Xandred so Jayden can use the Shiba disc to destroy Xandred.  As the rangers fight valiant and even use themselves to protect Jayden to get close enough, even when Jayden uses the fire disc and strikes his piece of humanity.....Xandred just brushes it off and proceeds to blast the hell out of the rangers until they all demorph.  He then sets his sights on Lauren to force the rangers to beg as the episode ends with "To Be Continued"..... Nothing more to say, eventful but typical.  One more to go! *Massive celebration*

Final Morph: C


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