Season 19, Christmas Special: Stuck On Christmas

"Stuck On Christmas"
Christmas Special
Air Date: December 15th, 2012

So it's yet another clip show disguised as a holiday special but I guess I can't be too hard on it as tries to give Bulk and Spike some merit despite them because so mishandled on the show by not even having a relationship with the rangers themselves.  Well, outside Spike's crush on Mia and Emily going on Sergeant General on Bulk and Spike....yeah! o_O  Anyway, so the episode is basically about Spike and Bulk going over to the Shiba House so Spike can give Mia a gift, but since the rangers are busy saving the day and all, Mentor Ji brings them in to wait.  Meanwhile, as the rangers are fighting some random monster that color pattern is all Christmas(y), everyone just can't help but make unfunny jokes/puns about Christmas every two seconds.  Seriously, why do the writers make the characters talk like this??? The point of a Christmas special shouldn't be to force unnatural dialogue onto the characters because of a theme.  It's suppose to ingrain the theme of the special by having the characters react to the holiday but not talk like they are clearly promoting the holidays with every line they deliver! -_-

Anyway, after a megazord battle that leads them to destroying the monster for good, apparently the megazord has lost all power....leaving the rangers stuck in their megazord!!! O_O  Funny how there has NEVER been an episode centered around this idea....but then you realize the rangers can just teleport or leave the megazord but I guess they can just bring the zords back to their handheld folding forms??? O_o  I'm seriously confused.  So while Kevin tries to fix the megazord to get it up and running again, it's clip show time as they are reminisce about random things throughout the show that apparently has brought them all together and have been fun.  Not to mention, Kevin suddenly feeling so useless and insecure because of not being the tech wiz! But then where the hell is Antonio to begin with??? He always seems to randomly be absent during some specials or even episodes with no explanation but whatever.  Meanwhile, back at the Shiba house, Ji is learning more about Bulk and Spike who stay to tell Ji about their encounters with Power Rangers and how they helped them on several occasions,,,,uhhh huh of course......tho I admit they DID try to stop one of those overflowing energy bursts in the city during "Stroke of Fate".

But the point of it all is that Mentor Ji sees how much they both have tried their best to be heroic as the rangers by trying to step in every now and then but never getting that appreciation for it. after the rangers finally finish working on the megazord as Mike gets the power back on, Ji tells the rangers about the two and ask them for a favor.  Tho why they stayed over night is so weird and creepy.  Anyway, before Bulk and Spike leave, Mentor Ji surprises them as the rangers arrives for all they have done in helping save the city.  Yeah, it isn't as well deserved as you would think, but considering it's the holidays and these two really want to make an impression on their heroes, it's still a sweet moment for them in spirit of Christmas and all that.  So....cute, harmless special that didn't bother me at all. Hmmmmm....:)
Final Morph: C+


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