Season 9, Episode 37: A Calm Before The Storm

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"A Calm Before The Storm"
Episode 37
Air Date: October 27th, 2001

Awwww, I can't help but get a little emotional watching this episode!  Now this is a penultimate episode done right as the writers use it as an opportunity for the rangers to reflect on their mission as it nears its end while also dealing with a direct attack from Frax once more.  Now that Ransik is all out of mutants and the rangers recaptured ALL of them minus Ransik, it's almost time for them to go home.  I LOVE how Jen isn't so optimistic about it considering she still has feelings for Wes she has yet to express.  I also LOVE how Wes notices this and they have a very touching scene of them reminiscing about their journey together from bickering in the premiere to Jen realizing they need Wes as much as Wes needs something in his life worth fighting for. :)

Next, we see Trip, Katie and Lucas reminiscing about how their mission started and while hesitant about their new surroundings; realizing that the year 2001 has become a second home from them away from home.  Meanwhile, Dr. Zaskins has discovered the Trizyrium Crystals and the very power they hold; leading Eric to confront the rangers at the Clock tower and tell them what Mr. Collins is up to.  Since Jen reveals that the crystal shouldn't be discovered for another 200 years, Wes decides to talk to his father.  We see how much their relationship has grown from them being at odds to Mr. Collins disapproving of Wes' new path to him finding out how much his father is proud of him.  It's because of their immense development that Wes and his dad are able to communicate so much better; leading to his father giving Wes the crystals at the end. :)

Meanwhile, Frax unleashes Max Axe, his latest robotic creation onto the city as Eric and the Silver Guardians take care of him.  Soon the rangers reunite after Jen contacts Wes during his meeting with his father to battle Frax, who decides to join in the fight.  The action is REALLY awesome! Cross cutting between the rangers fighting Frax and Eric owning Max Axe.  Soon the battle leads to Eric facing off with Max Axe after he grows (how??? He's not a mutant tho???? O_o) when he summons the Q-Rex.  After defeating Max Axe, Frax soon retreats with his Cyclobots while Ransik orders Glutto to track down Frax's lab.  Lastly, after Eric hands Wes back the Trizyrium crystals, Alex contacts the core 5 and reveals to them while their mission is almost complete, they will not survive the final battle to come home as we see Silver Hills being sucked into a massive time portal! O_O  Oh SH!T! O_O  Overall, this is how the show should do clip shows!  Seamlessly integrating the plot heavy aspect of the episode while also putting the brilliant display of character growth and story development on the forefront.  Now...onto the 3 part finale!!! Woooooo!!! :)

Final Morph: A-


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