Season 9, Episode 34: Reflections of Evil

"Reflections of Evil"
Episode 34
Air Date: October 6th, 2001
Ummmmm...sigh...ok, so let's just run through as much Sentai footage as we possible can! Yeah, it's one of those messages and it's a shame because this could have been more. The episode almost seems like it's going to be a Lucas centered episode at first; pointing out his needlessly vain personality. Which would have been awesome to fully explore by making him realize looks aren't everything and it's about the "heart" or "personality" or "team work" whatever that makes them each a valuable member of the team. I mean, Lucas could sure use this type of character development anyway but NOPE, let's just uncharacteristically skip all that moral dilemma this episode just make up a plot about a mutant named Mirrorcon (How original!? -_-) trapping the rangers in his mirror world where they have to defeat multiple mutants from each mirror to free themselves. I mean....that's it....that's all there is to this episode. FUN??? O_O
Also, Eric suddenly appearing out of no where to join the rangers also made no sense!!! -_- It's just cause the Sentai footage they were using demanded it. On the bright side, I've been noticing a slight change in character from Eric since "Frax's Fury" where he's been easier and nicer to the other rangers. Instead of trying to take all the glory with the Silver Guardians, he's been more willing to cooperate with the other rangers in battle. I'm sure it's because Time Fire in Timeranger became friendly toward the other rangers as the series went along but it's been a nice little transition in terms of character growth for Eric in showing him being more open to helping his fellow Time Force Rangers...neat!
But outside of that, it's still a pretty generic and run of the mill episode. Soon all 6 rangers face off against Mirrorcon and manage to defeat him after he impressively blocks their attacks as well as returning fire on them each time. But once he grows, the rangers must call on their zords to save the day again. Besides Mirrorcon briefly turning the Time Shadow against the rangers, it's....ehhh...your average zord fight. Luckily, Eric uses the Q-Rex in Megazord Mode to reverse the effects on the Time Shadow and all 3 megazords combine forces to recapture him. All and All, it's a pretty bland and boring episode. All the little 7 years bad luck jokes could even save this one for me! -_-
Final Morph: D+
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