Season 10, Episode 6: Wishes On the Water

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"Wishes On the Water"
Episode 6
Air Date: March 9th, 2002

So we know Max's personal arc of this season...even though it doesn't make much sense! The kid isn't even a kid! Max is clearly a teenager and closer in age to the rest of the rangers despite the others, mostly Taylor, treating him like he is one.  I'm sure it's because Max acts more like a kid than actually being one!  I mean how else do you explain after finding out about the Turtle Lake myth about throwing a bottle with your wish in into the water will make it come true.  Despite that humorous sequence of Danny telling Max what he missed while Alyssa read the story, the whole plot centered around that is just juvenile and stupid!  If anything, it just confirms Taylor's reservations about Max being too young minded at times.  That's what's wrong with this season so far as the way they are exploring their heroes' motivations and personal arcs are VERY sloppy! -_-  I mean Cole is looking at a pic of his parents again in this episode and Taylor decides to share a picture of her own Air Force Squadron to bond with Cole in that sense....BUT instead of exploring that, we get an episode of Max chasing around an Org because his bottle is attached to it...cause his wish won't come true unless he gets it back!  What in the name of Turbo style writing is this???!! O_o

I'm just gonna take a detour from that part of the episode and talk about the continued plot development with Master Org and Toxica's suspicions about him.  She actually senses a human in the Org Nexas and sees Master Org moving his horn to her shock and horror.  It once again fuels her mistrust of her leader and the scene of her trying to take off Jindrax's horn was hilarious!  I just love what they are doing with the villains so far by having the main villain's generals question who he truly is and what exactly is going on.  Like I said, it's the only thing interesting and intriguing about this season so far; especially considering Master Org is too powerful for them to truly unmask who he is and can only speculate. Awesome!

Not so awesome, as usual, is the Org of the week plot, this time a Ship Org, who like I said, is only relevant because of Max's dilemma with the whole wish in a bottle! Though, it was funny watching him attacking both the rangers and Putrids at one point! lol  Also, after a technically brilliant water battle sequence, we are introduced to a new zord! Yes!  The rangers are getting yet another new zord, after they got a new one last episode! Yayyyyy! -_-  For some reason, Max is having dreams about the Wild Force megazord losing a fight and something about the Spear of Pardolis calling to him.  Even Princess Shayla has no idea what Max is talking about...once again proving how useless she is.  It takes until the Ship Org grows and actually threatens to destroy the rangers that she remembers it's actually a lost Wild Zord that is calling out to Max as it's guardian.  The Giraffe Zord rises...from the water????  Yeah as it's crystal appears to Max and he summons it.  With the new crystal, Max can use the Giraffe as a new arm attachment for the Wild Force Megazord aka its Spear Mode.  With it, the rangers are able to use it to easily defeat Ship Org once and for all.  The episode ends with Danny looking out for his best friend and giving Max a new bottle to make a wish.  His wish you say??? Are really surprised?? It's kind of groan worthy.  So you want to be respected and treated like an adult by the other rangers huh Max??? Here's a thought!  Stop believing in fairy tales and ghosts then maybe they will, k! -_-  Another VERY problematic episode but average and acceptable for what it was.

Final Morph: C


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