Season 9, Episode 31: Undercover Rangers

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"Undercover Rangers"
Episode 31
Air Date: September 15th, 2001

Coming off such a plot heavy and pivotal arc of the season, you would think the following episode would be back to filler and the usual silliness of Power Rangers as the writers would want to take a break from such serious and mature storytelling they keep laying out for this season...right???  Well, "Undercover Rangers" could have been that, but it's a pretty strong episode in it's own right as it directly follows the events of the Dawn of Destiny three parter by exploring Jen and Wes' relationship once again. This time, it's clear, since Alex's impromptu visit, Jen doesn't feel the same way about the man who drove her to capture Ransik and lead the rangers on such a dangerous mission.  We even see that as Jen watches a wedding end outside and she questions her feelings for Alex as not only has he changed but she has as well.  Of course, she has new feelings for Wes that are making things complicated and Wes himself is realizing his feelings for Jen are getting stronger.  But since finally meeting Alex, Wes isn't sure if he can live up to Jen's love and adoration for him.  It's really hilarious and compelling watching Wes and Jen interact after such a strong run of episodes that have pushed them to the point of new realizations and pondering what to do next with this personal breakthroughs they have made this season.  It's also fun watching the rest of the rangers seeing, once again, how Wes and Jen are clearly in love with each other but are unable to express their feelings to each other.

You would think with ALL this going on, the main plot of the episode would be so actually works quit well as when Trip and Katie discover the absurdity and shock of a new gym selling some kind of drink that gives normal humans super strength, Lucas uses it as an opportunity to force Jen and Wes to go undercover as well as work out their feelings for each other in the mist of the mission.  Like I said, it's VERY funny, especially when we see Jen getting jealous of Wes when a girl at the front desk of the gym gets to up close and personal!  Gotta love Jen paying him back when Eric shows up and Jen tries to start rubbing on him to Wes' quick disapproval! LMAO!!! That had to be one of the most genuine comedy moments of the show I have ever seen!

But back to the main plot as it is revealed to be Frax's newest scheme to build a new army of Cyclobots by turning the people who go to the gym and drink the protein drink into robots.  It leads to Eric, Jen and Wes regrouping and taking on the main antagonist of the episode, Mr. Mechanau...who is an interesting looking mutant monster design wise but it made me think of the sillier looking monsters from MMPR's run than monsters from this season.  But anyway, it's Sentai/PR and I'm splitting hairs.  Luckily, the rest of the team joins the other three rangers but the mutant is way too powerful for them according to Circuit; leading Alex to send Wes a new weapon, the Stratacycle...YAYYY more toys for the kids to buy.  I mean, sheesh, Eric could have called his battlizer and done the same thing but let's just through more toys at the kids for the sake of profit!  After seemingly defeating Mr. Mechanau, Wes introduces the rangers to it but it's short lived as they have to call on their zords when he makes himself grow.  They use the combined force of the Shadow Force and Q-Rex to finally recapture him as Alex is happy he was able to send Wes his new weapon in time to save Jen.  Wes even mentions that to Jen at the conclusion of the episode but it turns out it doesn't change how she feels about Wes and it about to tell him that but that nerd from earlier in the episode with the other people turning into robots wants a personal trainer.  Though one wonders why Katie wouldn't do it since she' know...super strong but ok, tawdry resolution is tawdry! O_o  Overall, this was a pretty fun episode that directly follows the last in exploring the evolution of Jen and Wes as well as their romance.  Not bad at all! :)

Final Morph: B+


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