Season 9, Episode 28: Dawn of Destiny

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"Dawn of Destiny"
Episode 28
Air Date: August 18th, 2001

These next three episodes TRULY represent the heart and soul of the season as "Dawn of Destiny" kicks off a mini-arc where the rangers are put into their toughest moral dilemma yet as multiple characters are forced to make choices as well as evolve because of the wonderful layout of character development so far this season.  The episode begins with Ransik and his forces on the hunt for Frax, after last episode's remarkably shocking reveal of his true intentions for working for Ransik were as well as betraying him.  One of the mutants helping Ransik in his search is Severax but luckily, since Frax is a robot and he built the Cyclobots himself, it's just cool seeing Frax having fun hiding as he tells them to keep Ransik and Severax from finding him. Also, mysterious guy from the future is watching like some sexual predator while the core 5 Time Force Rangers are goofing off in the Clocktower.  I love how 4 of them are having a blast while Jen is all business as usual, especially when she reveals to the team that the serum that cured the city of Venomark's venom wasn't suppose to be invented for another 200 years, meaning that their continued mission in the past is also continuing to unknowing effect the future.  Wes decides to go to Bio-Lab and retrieve the rest of the serum...which makes ABSOLUTELY NO sense since the serum has been widely distributed all over the city, maybe even the entire COUNTRY and just stealing one case of it won't do jack sh!t! Jesus, Wes! -_-  Luckily, Eric and Mr. Collins stop him as well as we learn the distribution of the serum has put Bio-Lab in the lead of wealthy organizations and the Silver Guardians couldn't be in more trusting hands with Eric as their leader according to Mr. Collins.

Anyway, as Frax and his secret army of Cyclobots continue to work on his machine, Nadira surprisingly tells her father to go get more serum at Bio-Lab which leads to one of the most epic onslaught at Bio-Lab as the Silver Guardians try their best to protect the employees, Mr. Collins, etc.  But Ransik just tosses everyone out of his way until he reaches the laboratory.  After Dr. Zaskins is tossed aside by Ransik, Ransik begins to cry out in pain due to his agony from the mutation.  As he makes his way to the serum and drinks it, Mr. Collins watches this and confronts Ransik soon after.  I just LOVE seeing these two veteran actors here as both give strong performances!  Unfortunately, Ransik takes the opportunity to fatally attack Mr. Collins and leaving him for dead.  Soon Ransik rejoin Severax and makes his way out of Bio-Lab.  Soon Eric sees Ransik escape and morphs to go after him.  It's a short but sweet fight as even with the Quantum Ranger powers, Eric isn't enough to defeat Ransik.

As the rest of the rangers head out to stop Severax and the rest of the Cyclobots, Eric and some of the Guardians escort Mr. Collins to the hospital when they realize he has been severely hurt.  Meanwhile, the rangers take care of Cyclobots and eventually Severax; which leads to an impressive zord fight.  Gotta love seeing the Time Shadow wielding the Time Force Megazord Saber. So. FREAKIN'. COOL!!! :)  But it turns out Mr. Collins must go into the emergency room and Eric can't follow.  After defeating Severax, as the rangers celebrate, Jen reminds them that the future is still at risk and they have to stop Ransik...just as that mysterious guy from the future arrives and confronts them.  WOW!!! Alex is alive!!!??? O_O How...why....we'll find out!!! So good! :)

Final Morph: A+


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