Season 10, Episode 4: Never Give Up!

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"Never Give Up!"
Episode 4
Air Date: February 23rd, 2002 head!!! ears!!! "Never Give Up!" is right because I've sure the whole script of the episode was written based off that line that gets repeated over and over and over and over and OVER AGAIN in this episode! Listen, I understand delving now into the relationships between the rangers, especially when Max and Danny clearly have a bromance going on but my goodness is it so forced and shoved into this episode so poorly.  The actors, Jack Guzman (Danny) and Phillip Jeanmarie do fine with the material but it's the material that was seriously lacking.  The whole Org plot is just superfluous to the latest rift in their friendship when Danny begins pinning for a girl named Kendall again.  Ehhhhh...I just don't want to get to into that cringe worthy romance because it goes no where but because of Danny completely baling on Max, he goes off to investigate an old temple without him.  He thinks an Org might be there but gets scared off by an old man thinking it's a ghost.  Turns out there is an Org there named Bell Org, who begins terrorizing the old man the next day.  Jindrax and Toxica confront him and tell him they'll make him a Duke Org if he destroys the rangers.

That same day, Danny tries to apologize to an injured Max but he's more mad about the rangers calling him a kid and not believing in him.  Danny goes after him and tries to apologize but gets distracted by Kendall again.  Luckily, he snaps out of it this time to continue to go after Max but unfortunately Max runs into the Bell Org and some Putrids.  He morphs and defeats the Putrids but ultimately gets trapped in a giant bell like the old man did previously.  As the Bell Org bangs on it, it forces Max to demorph and loses his Growl Morpher.  Speaking of the Growl Morphers, I really like them!  The first cell phone based morphers, they were cool for it's time and actually hold up pretty well now being the most unique looking morphers that the rangers can easily hide instead of just wearing them on their wrists all the time in plain sight! -_-

Anyway, when Danny heads back to the Animarium to asks the rangers if they've seen Max, they say they though he was with him and decide to go find him.  During their search, Danny reveals how he and Max became so close.....uhhhhhh...ok, he was afraid of heights and Max helped him face it.  It's a sweet moment and makes sense was the catalyst of their friendship but it is so forced and written with emotional resonance of a fly.  Anyway, the rangers soon run into Jindrax, Toxica and some Putrids before morphing as Alyssa takes on Toxica, Taylor verse Jindrax and Cole handles the Purtrids.  Soon Danny is on his own to fight Bell Org and save Max on his own.  The whole sequence of this is forced repeated dialogue, mediocre action and overly dramatic cutaways!  Danny finally finds the strength to free Max and he morphs to join the other rangers.  They defeat Bell Org with their Jungle Sword again and Toxica brings him back to life to make him grow; peanuts and all.  Wild Zords are summoned, Wild Force Megazord formed and the rangers manage to finish him off with the megazord's mega roar finisher.  The episode ends with Danny inadvertently telling Kendall how he feels when she sees a note he left behind for her.  I'm just trying to get the words "Never Give Up!" out my head.  Seriously, Linkara is wrong! "Morphinomenal" was only said once and a while throughout MMPR and that thing had 3. SEASONS! O_O  "Never Give Up!" the episode has these season's little catchphrase spoken, shouted and yelled out to the audience over 10 times!!! WTF!?! o_O  I despise this episode!  Worst episode so far and that's not saying much! -_- "Wild Force" peak it up already! Smh....

Final Morph:


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