Season 10, Episode 25: Reinforcements from the Future, Part 2

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"Reinforcements From The Future, Part 2"
Episode 25
Air Date: August 3rd, 2002

Man, was that freakin' EPIC!!! :)  Man, you can give Amit a lot of crap for his overzealous ideas and delusional need to have control over the franchise but the guy sure is a fan in his own right! :)  I have never seen an episode of Power Rangers with such impeccable attention to detail and incorporating previous elements of the last season to contribute to the current season's story arc so remarkably.  Part 2 starts where Part 1 left on and continues to show how damn near flawless this two parter is.  As the defeated rangers return to the Animarium, Wes and Jen's return is interrupted by Circuit getting through and telling them help is on the way to everyone's excitement.  After the Time Ship is sent back in time to the year 2002, the Time Force Rangers all reunite at the joy of being together again.  But it's short lived when Jen sees Nadira and especially a handcuffed Ransik approaching them.  As Trip reaffirms Ransik is here to help, Cole listens to Ransik's heart as Ransik tries to make her believe he is truly here to help.  When Cole tells her he is truly speaking from the heart, Jen finally gives him a chance to explain.  That night, Ransik goes deeper into his origins and reveals before he began his personal crusade against humanity in the year 3000, he wandered the wastelands of the future's forgotten and desolate to come across a temple that housed the 3 entombed Orgs.  They promised him power and to go on their personal vendetta against humans if he freed them; to which Ransik did.  As the Org copied his mutant DNA to become the Mut-Orgs, they also gave him the power to pull weapons out of his body. Honestly, this is a tremendously great way to continue to story of the two parter while also building on Ransik's past.  Seriously, bravo! :)

After unlocking Ransik's cuffs, everyone goes to sleep that night besides Wes and Jen would touchingly bond while Taylor and Eric flirt over his Quantum Defender.  That morning, Master Org arrives at a nearby Power Planet with the Mut-Orgs and an army of Putrids to put their plan into motion.  It turns out, the Mut-Orgs came to the past to ensure Master Org's victory and to alter the future so that Orgs rule the world.  Soon both teams of rangers, Ransik and Nadira head to the Power Plant as Ransik plans to negate their mutant halves to make the Mut-Orgs much easier to battle.  As the rangers split up into multiple teams, they each battle Master Org's forces and the Mut-Org to ensure the world's safety from all out pollution.  (Captain Planet theme song anyone??? O_o)  I love how the team are each utilized as well as how effective they work together from Trip busy hacking to Jen and Alyssa kicking major @ss with the Chrono blasters against the Putrids.  Unfortunately, when Team Ransik runs into the Mut-Orgs, Wes and Cole get tossed around while Ransik protects Nadira after being attacked.  Before the Mut-Orgs can destroy them tho, Ransik sacrifices himself in a terrifying blast that gets ride of the Mut-Org's mutant halves like he said.  While a devastated Nadira looks after her father, Ransik tells the two Red Rangers to go on and destroy the Mut-Orgs once and for all.  As the Mut-Orgs make a run for it, they are suddenly stopped by Merrick...who quickly joined by the other 11 rangers. Yup, it's time!!! :)

First the Wild Force rangers morph, then the Time Force rangers followed by each team's 6th ranger. As each ranger does their individual roll call, each team does their respective roll call before multiple explosions engulf the entire back of the Power Plant.  Man, this final battle is epic!!! Easily beating out To The Tenth Power's final battle against the Psycho Rangers as each fight from the two Reds to the female ranger teams to the other male rangers against their respective enemy (ies) was wonderfully directed, choreographed and staged.  Not to mention, unlike last season's anti-climatic finish of Vyra and the Super Demon (Quaganon), all 12 rangers get to fire with their own individual battlizers, sabers and blasters to make one hell of a finish that is anything but! YES!!! :)  Also, Ransik is human now??? Uhhhh...random resolution there but I'll take it.  But honestly, after all of that but favorite part is without a doubt seeing all the rangers hanging out at the Animarium with ALL of their allies.  Sure Shayla's awful song is playing in the background but luckily, the techno version hides the fact how much it sucks!  Anyway, it's just cool seeing everyone genuinely happy and getting along as well as having fun together.  Also the individual nods to time force like Lucas and Nadira's romance and Katie arm wrestling once again shows how much this episode was written with a sense of love and appreciation for the show's history.  There's nothing much else I can say besides....HOLY GOD, THAT WAS GOOD!!! :)

Final Morph: A+


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