Season 10, Episode 23: The Wings of Animaria

Image result for wild force the wings of animaria
"The Wings of Animaria"
Episode 23
Air Date: July 23rd, 2002

Now, was that so hard!??  Just an overall fun and fantastic episode that feels more like a thrill ride than another embarrassing entry in this season's mediocre narrative and lackluster ability to keep be invested in the primary characters.  What immediately works in the episode's favor is right off the bat we are introduce to a new threat that the rangers should not take likely at all in Super Nayzor, as Master Org orders Uber Toxica to resurrect him.  I actually really LOVE Nayzor's new look as he looks even more otherworldly and alien like. Neat! :)  He's also more powerful than before and considering he was already a General Org, that is not good.  All 6 rangers do their best to stop him but even the Jungle Sword finisher bouncing off him and he blasts the rangers so hard that 4 demorph and are badly injured.  While Cole and Merrick try to continue the fight without them, Nayzor just continues to relentless beat the crap out of the rangers.  Forcing Animus to come out of no where and save them.  As the rangers lie helpless and unconscious, Merrick and Cole figure out what to do next as Super Nayzor attacks the city.  The last 2 rangers go off to fight him with even Uber Jindrax ready to fight them but Nayzor says he'll handle them.  As they fight, the other 4 rangers awake in a strange dark void filled with smoke as a nearby door opens and a child tells them they don't have enough time to save their friends.  Apparently, there's another Wild Zord (No kidding! -_-) on the Animarium that has yet to be unleashed after 3,000 years that will be given to them if they solve a puzzle.  Uhhh, this mysterious boy in the shadows will go on to be Kit who I will wish end buried under 10 feet of cow poop but here he advise the rangers they are on a time limit and if they don't slow the puzzle they will be trapped here forever. Awww, he's already being a major @sshole, how sweet!? -_-

Anyway, as the 4 rangers quickly try to figure out the pieces to the puzzle, the floor begins to break apart.  Oh so if they don't figure it out, they automatically die too, thanks mysterious jack@ss!!! -_-  As the rangers almost have the puzzle complete, the floor finally gives as they begin to fall into a large pit of lava.  Luckily, the rangers are able to put the piece together (as they fall I might add! :) to the puzzle, granting Cole a new weapon in the form of a bird bow aka the Falcon Summoner.  Realizing it's from the other rangers, he quickly fires it to destroy Super Nayzor.  Uber Toxica and Uber Jindrax are pissed and immediately chase after Cole to destroy to avenge him.  The fight here I have to say is very awesome and looks expensive with all the intricate choreography and multiple huge blasts.  WOW! After Jindrax and Toxica own Merrick and cause him to demorph, they continue their fight against Cole and nearly kill him if not for his new weapon able to channel his new Battlizer.  Yes! This is the obligatory Battlizer intro episode and for once, the damn thing doesn't look ugly ass hell! WAAAHHHH? O_o

It actually has a stunning design to it with the wings (hence the name of the episode), the chest armor, the gloves, the boots that makes sense, etc.  It just all makes sense and looks good! O_O Again, woowwzer! So, Cole uses his new Battlizer aka the Animarium Armor to dispatch Jindrax and Toxica until the point they return to their original forms. Awwww, no more Ubers! :( Meanwhile, the 4 other rangers return to Cole's excitement as Master Org revives Super Nayzor and makes him grow.  The rangers immediately morph as Cole summons the new Falcon Wildzord with his Crsytal Saber and Falcon Summoner.  The Eagle Zord is pretty awesome looking with a badass introduction scene as it literally picks up and tosses Nayzor.  Also, the rangers summon the Giraffe, Armadillo, Rhino and Deer Zords to form a new megazord with the Eagle called the Isis Megazord, which really deserves such an iconic, god inspired name! :)  Design wise, again, just well done and the final fight between it and Nayzor is action packed and intense as the rangers finish it off with the old Armadillo soccer trick but in mid-air....COOL!  So as Master Org furiously looks for Jindrax and Toxica, the new Duke Orgs begin to leave Turtle Cove as Toxica has an idea to pay back their fake Master.  Nice foreshadowing! :)  Meanwhile, the rangers try to tell the other about where they were but the more they try to remember, the more they forget.  Wow...thanks Ani-@SS!!! -_-  Anyway, despite all that, this was a pretty superb episode compared to the last few stinkers.  An abundance of action, fun and intensity from beginning to end! Next it team-up time already?! O_O ....WOOOOO!!! :)

Final Morph: A-


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