Season 10, Episode 17: Power Play

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"Power Play"
Episode 17
Air Date: June 1st, 2002

Well, we're back to basic "Wild Force" again after a pretty strong arc as we are immediately given the new status quo for the season as Merrick finds a bar; helping out the owner and bartender by fighting off some bikers to defend it.  Yeah...he even gets him new clothes as well as a place to stay for his heroic efforts. Well, we'll see where this sudden side plot goes but first we switch to the rangers are talking about Org while Princess Shayla daydreams about her romance with Merrick 3,000 years ago.  Meanwhile, Master Org is eager to find Toxica after even Jindrax doesn't know where she's been all day.  As Master Org disappears ominously,  Jindrax decides to take on the rangers himself just as the sacred waters of the Animarium erupt furiously; indicating a powerful Org is nearby.  As the rangers head to the city of Turtle Cove, Jindrax leads an army of Putrids against the rangers, who treat Jindrax as a joke, especially with Jindrax being by himself.  Jindrax, of course, brushes it out as the ranger fight off the Putrids when they are suddenly attacked by a new General Org named Necornomica.   Gotta say, I REALLY love her design and look as well as her powers clearly being nothing to trifle with.  Soon Merrick joins the rangers after....hearing the faint howls of the Wolf and the wind blowing his hair back conveniently....yeah....-_-

Anyway, as Merrick comes to help the rangers, he finds himself at a stand still with Necornomica that forces her to retreat for the moment.  Once again, the rangers and Merrick discuss why he should join them but Merrick being all stubborn about it and making up his mind.  Meanwhile, Jindrax returns with yet another Org.....Karaoke Org....oyyyyyy!!! Anyway, when the rangers confront him, his powerful music makes the rangers cry out in pain and force Merrick to come and help them again...but not before having a reunion with Princess Shayla....  Sigh...the writing this season can barely make these characters interesting let alone make a romance between these work...also, the acting...YIKES!!! Anyway, the wind and wolf call Merrick again!  Seriously, if this guy is in a locked room with NO windows, would this happen too? -_-  Power Rangers! O_O  Anyway, Merrick comes and helps the rangers defeat Karaoke Org as Necornomica returns.  This time, Merrick allows the rangers and him to work together as his Wolf Zord even grants him his own Savage Cycle (Seriously, how does that work??? O_o) and the core 5 use their Jungle Sword to destroy Necornomica.

BUT! It turns out...GASP!!! Necornomica was Toxica all along!  I like how the end of Nyzar foreshadowed this as she explains she used a piece of his armor to become a General Org.  But enough of that, let's see some zord again!  Toxica makes Karaoke Org grow as Merrick calls on his Wild Zords to form the Predazord and the other rangers form the Wild Force Megazord.  They tag team that sucker and win the day of course but not before Merrick gets himself his own Howling Wolf jacket (Seriously, they should have made the Wild Force jackets merchandise at the time! :)  Merrick tells the other rangers they don't have to be together to work together and says the "wind" will let him know when they need him....awwww.....that's SOOOO weird! O_O Anyway, pretty good "back to normal" but doesn't really move much of the plot along.

Final Morph: B-


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