Season 9, Episode 6: Crossfire

Episode 6
Air Date: October 30th, 2009

WOW!!! This had to be one of the busiest episodes of Smallville and while this episode is well known for a critical moment in Clark and Lois' journey toward their iconic romantic coupling, the rest of the episode is stunning as well with every cast member being used and character getting something to do that progresses them or feeling completely in their character. Lois and Clark are having their usual comedic, fun filled adventure, Oliver is using his recent new lease on life to recruit a new protegee, Chloe is being hacking her way through things as usual and Tess clashes with Zod in terms of who's the baddest villain of the two of them.  I love the whole romantic comedy storyline with Lois and Clark auditioning to be news anchor and having to work together on separate blind dates to maintain their jobs.  Seriously, Erica and Tom are beyond priceless but the writing here is just so spot on from Lois underplaying Clark's date but a hot blonde with extremely humanitarian background forces her to shut up to Clark threatening Lois' blind date when Lois thinks her date can take him.  

My goodness! Just so awesome and laugh out loud material that these two deliver with practical ease.  But I love how they use Oliver here to push Clark and Lois' relationship finally in the realm of romance as he tries to tell Lois how he still feels but Lois frantically but sweetly making it clear she only has eyes for Clark now.  Awwww I feel bad for Oliver but move over! It's Clark and Lois' time, not just because of that amazing kiss worthy of 4 seasons of build up but that jaw dropping action sequence of Clark saving Oliver and Lois from that gun happy pimp!  The most badass Superman moment of the series among many and Clark catching that bullet right in front of Oliver's face before speeding off in complete raging jealousy! CHILLS much! But my god that kiss! The music, the direction, the lighting, the passion, the explosive chemistry that I'm surprised the Daily Planet didn't blow up! Ok I'm

Then you have Oliver like I said recruiting a potential new sidekick in Mia, who in the comics is actually Green Arrow's second sidekick after Arsenal/Roy Harper.  I like this storyline for Oliver as it makes sense as his redemption from being in a very dark place by wanting to do the same for the young teenager and giving her life purpose.  Of course, he story is very Pretty Woman but than again in the comics she's also a prostitute that Oliver trains so....  It seems like a promising new little arc for Oliver to get back to being a hero but better than ever and I'm glad he help inspire Mia already to try and fight back.  NICE!!! Meanwhile, Chloe and Tess' new tech prodigy go at it with a hack off as she's trying to get through Tess' numerous firewalls to access any information she might have on the Kandorians.  It's actually a hilarious side story for Chloe, who ends up recruiting Stewart in the end after his failed attempt at blocking Chloe permanently with talk to the hand!  Lol seriously dude?!?  But I'm also glad they got Chloe to reaffirm Clark's feelings for Lois and to just go for it already! The best moment of their friendship, especially since betraying him with Davis, wow! :)

Then you have Tess' story with her unveiling Luthorcorp's newest project with building a completely solar powered tower in Metropolis by teaming up with a new company called R.A.O.   While all excited, Zod soon makes his presence known that he is in fact the chairman and C.E.O. of R.A.O. as he's using the project to harness a power source to get their powers on Earth.  Tho Tess of course is adamant about stopping him, Zod makes it abundantly clear that she has no choice and wants information about the Blur as he is the key to unlocking the secret to getting their powers.  Unfortunately, Tess relents on that information, leading Zod to command one of his soldiers to get the info out of her or kill her.  Zod really is showing how ruthless and amazing he is once again, even without his powers and that once again thanks to Callum Blue's incredibly commanding performance.  But too bad Tess shows that she's a force to be wreckoned with as well by sending the bloodly remains of Zod's soldier's tags....even cheering him with a cup of coffee across the street before disappearing.  HOLY CRAP!!! The writers are definitely making Tess look more like a legit villain this season as he in-fighting with Zod is already looking too promising for words. Overall, Crossfire is a triumphant episode full of amazing action, hilarious comedic moments between Lois and Clark, great plot progression and impeccable use of all the characters in one episode that moves so smoothly surprisingly.  Omg! THE KISS!!! Ok...I promise to day! :P

Final Kryptonite: A+


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