Season 20, Halloween Special: Raising Spirits

"Raising Spirits"
Halloween Special
Air Date: October 19th, 2013

As usual, these "Holiday Specials" are just cost effective wastes of time aka clip shows where the rangers are put in situation where they do next to nothing for the whole episode while various scenes from previous episodes are just used to fill in the time.  What's even the point of them is if they're NOT going to be genuine holiday themed episodes, with a holiday themed story with holiday elements??? "Yeah, lets just put the cast in some costumes and make up some obituary story that is just so we don't have to waste the budget!" :)  ....Ummm what budget exactly has been going into this season tho!??? -_-  I would understand the Disney seasons, even the Saban era of the 90s when the show was expensive to make in LA or brought to New Zealand to slash the budget but still make the show continue.  Megaforce has been 90% fight scenes. EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE!!! With only like 2 or 3 scenes of original footage; most of the time is just the cast hanging out at this universe' pathetic attempt at Yogurtland and nostalgia with the only thing tying that place to the original is the owner's name being Ernie!!! -_-  But whatever, I have to get through this show, let's get through it! :)

So Emma is cooking Halloween treats with Ernie........but it's a yogurt place, why would she??? O_o  Not enough other sets I guess!??? -_- Meanwhile, the rangers are making jack-o-lanterns when  Jake is all excited about seeing some fortune teller.  Meanwhile, some monster named Glytcher is on the loose in Japan when all the power goes out for a minute.  ......So the rangers go to the fortune teller and clearly something is up with the very monstrous looking being who can see visions of them being Power Rangers but let's just make jokes about Jake's crush on Gia! -_-  More clips, more clips, more clips, more clips, etc.  OMG!!! The fortune teller knows they are Power Rangers now and it turns out to be Glytcher in disguise! Oh how nice!!! They NEVER saw it coming! After he gets away and wants revenge for destroying his fellow monsters (Uhh huhh), the four rangers morph and go after him while Robo Knight meets them in the city for the fight.  Fighting, fighting, more fighting....Emma finally joins them and suddenly uses her cooking steps as some kind of series of punchlines during the fight because we can't have fight scenes just be silent and focused only on the action.  O_O Nope! -_-  We need needless exposition and bad jokes while the rangers kick some a$$ to painfully distract us from one of the most reliable things on the show that's always being ruined every episode now! -_- *Head car*

The rangers defeat the monster, he grows and then they call on their army of zords to destroy him once and for all.  Seriously, they have a whole fleet of flying zords yet they aren't able to handle the coming invasion of alien armada??? On top of that new powers and zords are on the way!??? FUN!!!  Let's end the episode on a joke that doesn't make sense! Hahahahaha oh Ernie! Why are you even here!??? -_- Skip this crap!

Final Kryptonite: F


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