Season 20, Christmas Special: A Robo Knight Before Christmas

"A Robo Knight Before Christmas"
Christmas Special
Air Date: December 7th, 2013

Sigh.....last Megaforce review (well this half anyway! -_- *AHHHH*) before I have to find some ways to some up my thoughts on a season that's about as vacant and transparent as a Trump convention! Sorry, I'll keep the politics out! I'm sure there are supporters here, sorry if I offended you.  Anyway, this Christmas episode is....whatever.....more clips and flashbacks but this time through the perspective of Robo Knight because my goodness, the most character development all season is this robot who is so fascinated with human behavior.  Honestly, it grew old fast and making an episode out of it doesn't help.  So now Robo Knight doesn't understand Christmas and has to learn when asking Noah why the humans are acting so weird.  He tells him and for some reason, tells him to pose as a toy in the mall so he can somehow get it.  Yes, because this won't possibly go wrong! O_O  I mean of course the rangers are going to monitor him and make sure he doesn't get lost or something or taken by mistake. But he gets taken with all the other presents being donated to charity an where does he end up??? Africa!!! Yes, Robo Knight ends up in Africa, in a village of shocked and amazed children when he reveals himself to them.  Uh Hhhuuhhh.....

That night, the children and adults of the village bring Robo Knight to a campfire as he sits with them and tells him all the stories of him and the rangers.  Why he has to tell them their teenagers and almost revealing their identities doesn't make much sense to be but whatever.  Also, I would assume the rangers are known throughout the globe but whatever.  O_O Most of the clips are of course, of Robo Knight explaining how he has come to learn so much about humans and the way they act through meeting various humans as well as the rangers teaching him.  Which means we have to suffer through that tremendous idiotic moment of Robo Knight showing the rangers how he mastered how to rap when the world was in danger.  But whatever!!! All that matters is, the story touched the hearts of the children........because teaching them about the human condition and what he's been through with humans has made him so aware of humanity being special.  How this has to do or tie in with Christmas???  It doesn't but who cares! "We're saving money and making cheap, irrational holiday specials! Woooooooo!" 

Then Robo Knight just flies back home and receives a Christmas gift because.....whatever....see where I'm going with this. I just don't understand the point. I just....I have nothing more to say......Goodbye and good riddance to this season. Overview time! 

Final Morph: C-


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