Season 20, Episode 19: The Messenger

"The Messenger"
Episode 19
Air Date: November 23rd, 2013

Man, never has a season of Power Rangers been so uninspired and laughable from start to almost finish.  At least Turbo improved, Wild Force has such gripping stories of humanity with Dr. Adler, even Overdrive has some heart with Mack being an android. Sure, the first season was pretty much a goofy over the top PSA with teenage superheroes but that was show at the very beginning!  But even then, when there was an escalation of threat, the show acknowledged it in a way the effected the overall story as well as tested the rangers themselves.  But Megaforce has to be the laziest written show I have ever witnessed in my life. O_O There's no character development, no progression of story, no real escalation of threat, NOTHING, there's.  NOTHING! Why even care about these characters when someone like Robo Knight, a freakin' robot has gotten more focus and development than ANY of the rangers!?? And it's all superfluous "learning about human behavior" crap that's mostly for laughs than to really make him into anything more interesting than generic 6th ranger who pretty much a punchline as of last episode! -_- Last episode was suppose to be some major victory for the team in defeating Admiral Malcore and Vrak apparently feels so problematic and vacant. These villains HAVE NEVER been a serious threat or a challenge to a ranger all season.  

 So Metal Alice discovers Vrak has survived his apparent death last episode and upgrades him to become an even more powerful threat for the rangers to face.  Of course, even tho this is suppose to be an even stronger threat, their strongest threat yet I might add! -_- It's nothing special! Just a series of fight scenes put together and a missile that Metal Alice aims at a building before the two escape.  I just LOVE how the rangers destroy it show easily and quickly, like the supposed danger that these villain keep throwing at them is a minor inconvenience instead of a serious ongoing war for them. -_-  Anyway, if that wasn't random enough, some alien messenger (Hence the name of the episode!) arrives to tell Metal Alice and Vrak that the Armada will be arriving soon and they need to prepare Earth for the massive invasion.  This whole messenger plot and the introduction of the Royal Prince's armada heading to Earth comes straight out of nowhere and feels so forced.  The Warstar Insects were suppose to be the main villains and now suddenly we are getting new villains coming out of thin air because.......!!?? O_o

All of sudden, the Messenger teams up with Metal Alice and Vrak but it makes absolutely no sense as they fight the rangers, then retreat, only for Vrak to face off with the rangers again.  Once again, just throwing random fights scenes at us and the rangers are barely being challenged anymore, if at all. -_-  Vrak doesn't even finish the rangers off in the end and the villain act like the rangers will be out of the way because they can't possibly defeat the oncoming invasion can they??? -_-  Ummmmm they have defeated you guys pretty easily and they have an army of zords that could swipe right through the Armada! Not to mention, they're about to be given brand spankin' new powers and zords on top of the ones they already have this season so....!!!! I just......sigh.......... Time for the finale! :(

Final Morph: D-


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