Season 26, Episode 19: Target: Tower

"Target: Tower"
Episode 19
Air Date: November 19th, 2019

Stakes, urgency and desperation! These are the elements that usually make up some of, if not most of the best episodes of Power Rangers! "Target: Tower" is rightfully the set-up for the finale by showing the show at it's best and providing us with a 20 minute episode that is essentially a race against time for both sides.  Honestly, this is what Beast Morphers should have been all season (Not that it has been a bad one! ;) as it encompasses the strengths of the series by bringing all the plotlines from the main story with Evox to personal arcs like Devon's relationship with his dad and Ravi finally at his breaking point when it comes to Roxy's avatar situation.  Sure it would have been nice if we got more moments like the numerous ones throughout this episode earlier and mid season but the fact that is all works so well and smoothly just shows just how great the writing has been in terms of following these characters as well as the actors really selling the stressful situation of everything that is going down before the final battle.  I love seeing Devon and Ravi's personal journeys throughout Season 1 finally coming ahead as seeing Ravi so tired and immediately panicking over the possibility of losing the real Roxy after her avatar sabotaged her pod (Tho, wouldn't killing Roxy destroy the avatar as well??? O_o How exactly does that work???)  Anyway, Jazz Baduwalia has come a very long way since his very obviously stone faced performances earlier on in the season! The emotion and potential heartbreak he conveys throughout with Roxy is rather compelling and wished we go more of it before this episode.

Unlike "Digital Deception", his conflicting feelings over Roxy make so much more sense here (aka written A LOT better! O_O) and the fact he ultimately chooses to destroy Roxy's avatar instead of getting the transport pods away from the villains is done with a sensible turn of events that were inevitable considering the guilt and hurt Ravi has felt over Roxy's comatose state.  Well...the moments we got to see it anyway! It even leads to a scene I have been longing for all season between Ravi and his mom as Commander Shaw gives him a harsh briefing after failing to get the transports back to GB.  It was not only a long awaited moment of Ravi finally paying for the consequences of his actions but we actually get a tender moment right after with Commander remembering how much she means to her son and confronting despite his disobedience. WOW! *Tear* Not to mention, Roxy doesn't even wake up after her avatar is destroyed.....damn. O_O  Poor Ravi! All for nothing! :( Or so we thought at first.....;)  But onto Devon and his father as finally his father has had more than enough with his irresponsible shenanigans when he runs off during an attack by Blaze and a band of Tronix.  Finally we get the moment that has been a long time coming with Mayor Daniels confronting Devon about his behavior as of late and shows how low his disappointment for him has become.  Yikes! :(  Luckily, during the fight between the rangers and Blaze with the Tronix, Mayor Daniels manages to see Devon demorph after losing to Blaze! FINALLY he knows! Tho it couldn't have come at a worse time since the villains' plan not only works but Devon is also taken hostage.

Turns out the transporters were taken to transport a Morph X tower to the Cyber dimension and the rangers are left wondering what to do next.  Luckily, the real Roxy wakes up as she tells them what Evox is planning as the villains will use the Morph X tower power up a new body Scrozzle has made for him and teleport Evox to our world so he can access the Morphin' Grid! Needless to say, the rangers,GB and the world as we know it might be seriously screwed if they don't stop him.  Filled with great action sequences of both sides trying to desperately stop each other, long overdue revelations and even Ben and Betty manages to almost come through in the end by getting a transporter away from the villains (including throwing food at the Tronix to stop following them! lol), "Target: Tower" does a pretty phenomenal job of setting up the first season finale and how much is at risk if the rangers don't manage to save Devon as well as stop Evox in time. Strong and solid stuff!!!

Final Morph: A


  1. What happened to all your reviews that were posted after this one?


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