Season 26, Episode 16: Gorilla Art

"Gorilla Art"
Episode 16
Air Date: November 9th, 2019

I don't get how this episode went so wrong for me but it certainly DID! o_O I mean the opening of the episode was so emotional and well done with Ravi drawing next to Roxy's body; opening up about their relationship and how he told her about his drawing/art! It is a natural way of getting out exposition about a ranger's character and more of his backstory...but then...Sigh! Smash accidentally comes in and sees Ravi drawing...forcing Ravi to erase his memories like he just caught him committing a murder or something! Seriously, that has to be one of the most overdramatic moments from the show I have EVER seen! It's a way to create more conflict by having the character overreact or act completely over the top just to cause more issues further down the episode aka get the real story started.  I honestly don't like how this episode plays out and how it makes Ravi look so stupid for doing something he has no business doing to Smash especially after "A Friend Indeed".  The rangers have no idea how to reprogram their Beast Bots, hence the issue in that episode, yet Ravi stupidly does it here out of his fear of his mom finding out he draws. Look I know Grid Battleforce is apparently super strict with their rules (I mean we "hear" but don't really see it until Shaw mentions the artwork that Smash does being a waste of time later)

I mean if the writers had shown Shaw to be super strict multiple times throughout the season so far, THEN I would be more inclined to see why Ravi would act so impulsive about tampering with his Beast Bot but we haven't really seen her be so mean and unenthusiastic by showing the rangers break some smaller rules and her flipping out over it.  I mean, Ravi could have just told Smash to keep it a secret???? O_o SMDH!!! Now Smash becomes obsessed with painting....somehow...because of a malfunction of Ravi programing him.  But how could he erase his memories in the place I don't understand but whatever! O_o  It's just an overtly silly consequence of Ravi's actions when it should have been more serious...I mean can't really take this "problem" seriously.  NOW Ravi decides to tell the other rangers and tell them to keep it a secret!?? O_O *Headdesk returns* And even in the end, when Smash is fixed, it's revealed he knew all along and has been keeping it a secret! I just.....then what was the point of Ravi's actions??? Too show how seriously he takes GB's rules??? If that was the case, he wouldn't do it in the first place AT Grid Battleforce OF ALL PLACES! Ewwwwww!!!

Also, in the middle of all this, we get a new villain introduction (Yipee! -_-) in Vargoyle, the thing after Scrozzle that he was fearing at the beginning of the season.  So that where the Fury Cells came from??? O_o Good to know, tho I find him becoming Evox's top general kind of forced.....especially the plan he comes up with against the rangers.  The whole cloak and acting defenseless thing was so out of nowhere and genuinely felt like a waste of time! Why cloak yourself in the first place?  Why reveal your true self to Steel when he's alone???  I know this was all because of that stupid data chip arc still going on because Vargoyle manages to get the last Beast power from Zoey but it feels overly elaborate and honestly, like the writers were just filling time between action going on with the Robotron and Gigadrone as usual. O_o  So now Vargoyle has all 3 best powers and that sucks for the avatars....who are now planning his downfall! I guess more villain infighting couldn't hurt but still "Gorilla Art" is a bit farcical in how they approach Ravi's character and situation with GB finding out about his artwork. There are some genuinely good moments here in there but as a whole, it doesn't feel progressive and rather regressive! O_o

Final Morph: D+


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