Season 26, Episode 14: Sound and Fury

"Sound and Fury"
Episode 14
Air Date: October 26th, 2019

.....this kind of amazing!!! :)  Dare I say it's one of the realist, most authentic episode of Power Rangers since "Cars Attacks" during Turbo as it takes the usual moral lesson formula the show has mastered for 20+ years and completely taking a break from it to tell a story that is morally grim with a human character that is mean and vicious without any need of sympathy or needing to learn something to change.  Never thought I see or hear blackmail on Power Rangers but here is Megan, a complete and utter b!tch who seems like she might be a red herring for a new Robotron or some new plan by the villains but just turns out to just be an awful person.  And it's so painfully surface without going in depth with that it is so refreshing and kind of brilliant for this show.  Megan will do ANYTHING to get Nate's job as the head scientist of GB and includes things like lying to straight manipulation.  My jaw dropped when she not only confront Zoey with the video she recorded of her and Nate but when she tries to frame Nate for a test gone wrong in his own lab.  She even goes to Commander Shaw and tries to get her to fire Nate so she can replace him.  Luckily, my boy Nate is a genius of course and reveals she sabotaged his test of the cheetah claws he was working on.  It all plays out like it should with Commander Shaw getting a bada$$ moment of ordering security to throw her out and making me honestly laugh as well as cheer from how great it felt to see her get what was coming to her. :)  Seriously, more of this kind of storytelling on the show.

And it turns out, Zoey let herself get blackmailed because she was protecting Nate....since she apparently likes him too.  Yeah, we haven't gotten any real hints of her wanting him but we definitely know Nate has had a soft spot for Zoey since the 4th episode so I'm glad we're getting some build on that.  Finally Nate can be open about his feelings and tell her he feels the same way via mentioning the flowers he sent.  But what is even more interesting is how this might play out down the line.  While played for laughs, clearly the other rangers, especially Steel sense something might be building romantically between the two.  We know what happened with Ravi and Roxy but how will Nate and Zoey deal with this down the line by potentially getting in trouble for acting on their feelings when it's against GB rules??!! O_o  It for sure gets me excited at the possibilities and problems that await the two and how they will overcome it in the end whether they go for it or decide to just be friends.  Hmmmmmm! :)

We are also introduced to some random power-up crystal things called Fury Cells that Blaze happens to stumble upon (Like where tho!??? O_O Even Scrozzle said they were hard to find by being the only ones left in the UNIVERSE!???)  Anyway, he wins Evox's favor in using them to power up a new version of Tubatron aka 2.0 or as Steel hilariously says "I guess they're recycling!" Ha! Some of the best lines of the season so far come out of this episode, especially Scrozzle so sarcastically telling Blaze "Here comes Scrozzle to the rescue...again!"  Ha! Oh this show can seriously make you chuckle.  As for the Fury Cells, it's pretty much just a plot point to give Devon his own battlizer aka like most Red Rangers do on this show, yada, yada, yada!  I will admit tho, the introduction scene with Devon using "Fury Mode" for the first time was pretty awesome with some cool looking wire work as well as choreography.  Not to mention, Devon gets to deliver a bada$$ one liner after destroying the Robotron.  Something along the lines of being more of a trumpet guy than a tuba one! Oh keep tickling my heart show! :P  By far one of the best episodes of the season, if not one of the best episodes of the franchise as a whole.  Lots of vicious realism in terms of character personalities clashing with some seriously irredeemable people and having to overcome being put in a position of failure by a single minded loser.  What!???  I liked Megan actually! :P  Natural character development and personal relationship arc moving forward as well. :)

Final Morph: A+


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