Season 26, Episode 15: Seeing Red

"Seeing Red"
Episode 15
Air Date: November 2nd, 2019

Hmmmmm, I feel like this episode could have been so much better than it turned out to be. O_O  If there is one thing that Power Ranger has NEVER tackled in terms of story is addiction or rather, the damaging effects of having such immense power in your own hands.  These are teenagers, usually teenagers and they have flaws, needs and desires like anyone else, so why not explore that by having one of the rangers misusing their powers and desperately wanting more.  Pretty much use this as an opportunity to deconstruction what it means to be a ranger and create some type of metaphorical obstacle for one of the rangers to overcome when they are too consume with power.  The Fury Cells seemed like they'd be nothing more than just plot devices used to make another Red Ranger battlizer. But "Seeing Red" explores the dangerous nature of Devon wielding one and the increasingly negative effects it has on him.  Honestly, this episode felt like it was building up so much tension and suspense as Devon became more and more drawn to needing more Fury cells.  Rorrie D. Travis once again knocks it out of the park and I was actually pretty shaken by Devon's rapidly growing temper toward his team; quickly dismissing them to fight on his own for more Fury Cells! O_O  I legit felt his anger and rage coming through the screen; making the episode draw you in more and how this sudden turn of events would play out.

And it's not even just that but the opening scene where Devon uses his new battlizer to stop a normal, everyday criminal but intervening with a police officer who is quick to let him know the rangers deal with the larger threats like Robotrons and Gigadrones while the police handle things like petty crime.  It's a small moment but it does show how things work in the PR Universe as we have never gotten to see what the law enforcement's perception of the otherworldly heroes that inhabit their world aka the Power Rangers.  But it doesn't get explored as much as it should have been as well as Devon's heavy addiction to the Fury Cells' power.  It was smart on the villains' end to persuade Devon into wanting more cells which led to them fighting amongst themselves when Devon attacks Ravi for it.  But why not play things out differently by making the Fury Cells being like a drug to Devon and the villains luring, even tempting him by the lust and glory of being evil??? O_o  I feel like Roxy expecting Devon to step in and just watches from the sidelines while Devon makes a decision whether to use the last Fury Cell an utter waste! -_-  Even Devon and Ravi's fight which was well choregraphed and building intensity.....suddenly just kind of ends because Devon just casually decides it's not worth hurting people over, crushes it and tosses the pieces at Roxy!???  It just comes off so jarring and such a nonsensical wrap up to the exciting dilemma at hand. O_o

Seriously, seeing Ravi hurt made him suddenly snap out of it???  It's just all rushed and too surface without making it more emotional and building up the stakes of one of the rangers' seriously injuring a fellow teammate!  What caused Devon to just out of nowhere to go back to normal!??  Ummmm, why not do a quick flashback or something to Devon's father teaching him about power and not getting caught up in the attraction of it or you'll lose what makes you great...human!  Idk....SOMETHING like that while cliché, would make sense, TOO much sense in this case.  Also, it seems without the Fury Cells anymore, the battlizer is just....gone now! O_O  WOW! An American made product that cost lots of money being wasted in two measly episodes! -_-  Anyway, I suppose to come together in the end but then we are reminded again of the digital chips things and I'm so over that little plot point because it's barely been an arc (Seriously!? What is the point of it!??)  Even the villains seem disinterested in it but I guess we need some infighting within the villain ranks as usual!:P "Seeing Red" doesn't really see the bigger picture with a potential amazing character study of one of the rangers as well as teaching a strong lesson about power and responsibility via Devon hooked on the Fury Cells.  Not to mention, Ben and Betty have their worst running gag in an episode yet here! OMG! She sat on the cake! He got caked in the face! Har har! Well, at least no more insufferable, stomach maddening fart jokes! *Shivers*

Final Morph: C


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