Season 26, Episode 18: Rewriting History

"Rewriting History"
Episode 18
Air Date: November 23rd, 2019

WOW! I really can't remember since we had an elaborate episode where a villain scheme was so grand and suspenseful that it actually made me want more after it was all over.  Honestly, this could have been an even more impressive and story heavy two parter but what we got in a typical 20 minutes of a Power Rangers episode wasn't bad at all.  In fact it maybe one of the best outings from the series in a while in terms of season highlights.  Maybe not for some, or even most but I thought this was an exceptional episode in execution for one of the villain's most ambitious plans yet.  So it turns out the memory Pulsator that Vargoyle planned on the CH-10 studio satellite tower was made to alter the memories of everyone in Coral Harbor, including the rangers of course, into remembering Blaze and Roxy as the Red and Yellow rangers instead of the true events that happened during the premiere until now.  It's a pretty inventive plan and actually makes for a sort of alternate reality episode where one of the rangers or rangers must set things right by making everything go back to the status quo we've been following.  It makes sense that Steel wouldn't be effected given his robotic attributes despite being half human (Seriously, how!!? O_O); leaving him to try to talk some sense into Devon while Nate, Zoey and Ravi continue thinking Blaze and Roxy are rangers as the avatars act their parts by heading right into Grid Battleforce.  I love how the episode is structured and everything for the most part makes sense like no one checking the pods that Roxy and Blaze's bodies are in; leaving their avatars to plant a USB drive into as apart of Evox's overall plan. 

Meanwhile, Devon and Steel have to team up against Vargoyle, who realizes Steel was unaffected by the pulsator, before he can stop them from getting to the tower to destroy it. Honestly, I loved seeing Steel convincing Devon throughout and how Devon slowly believes he's a ranger up to the point of jumping in to help Steel in battle as well as discovering his Cheetah speed.  I keep forgetting they have those powers outside their suits. lol  It's a smart way to show Devon that Steel is telling the truth but also give Devon even more motivation to help Steel to stop the pulsator.  Once again, Rorrie D. Travis gives a very solid performance as Devon, going from the kid we say at the beginning of the series to becoming a natural hero all over again based on Steel's nurture and Devon's inner nature to do what's right to save the day.  The qualities that made him the leader/Red Ranger in the first place.  I also really enjoyed the action scenes and set pieces in this episode, especially the final fight between Devon and Vargoyle at the news station.  While Vargoyle's death was unfortunate since his tenure on the show was like 3 episodes! O_o Seeing him battle Devon with them both using the Cheetah speed was very visually entertaining to watch....but then that could have just been the Sentai footage...was most of it Sentai footage???! O_o Also Steel having to destroy the pulsator even tho it is protected by an energy field as well as the ladder to it having electricity running through it so the rangers can't even touch it. YIKES!!! That moment where Steel barely makes it but still manages to go after the weapon and destroy it was so tragic, especially falling down and going offline. :(

Anyway, as everyone gets their memories back, Roxy and Blaze still manage to escape with the transporters that can send someone through dimensions that we saw in the premiere.  Apparently, this is apart of Evox's much larger plan as well as Roxy's stasis pod being tampered with by her evil avatar. All I can say is I'm enjoying the build up to the finale as the stakes keep getting higher as they should. :)  Also, the sub-plot with Steel and his pet plant was surprisingly pretty hilarious with some fun gags here and there....tho the ending was so sweet with him getting a dob but giving it to that young girl who wanted one but couldn't get one. Awwwww! This show can do sweet and sincere without being saccharine and cheesy you know! :) By far one of the best episodes of the show thus far (and maybe one of the best of the franchise???)  with everything working from the masterful plan, to hilarious humor and some really good fight sequences with a bit of tragedy in Steel's almost death. WOW! O_O

Final Morph: A+


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