Season 26, Episode 17: Ranger Reveal

"Ranger Reveal"
Episode 17
Air Date: November 16th, 2019

It always baffles me (as you know by now! ;) more than when this show goes for more realistic approaches to its moral lessons of the day.  The rangers' identities being exposed isn't exactly a new idea as we've seen it in previous seasons like "Full Exposure" during Time Force. But here, the writers take this as an opportunity to really explore the downside of being famous and in the public eye all the time.  Unlike last season's terribly disappointing "Fan Frenzy" where Levi, for some incredibly dumb reason, looked like the one in the wrong after telling off an extremely overbearing fan that keep over stepping their boundaries, this episode shows the more devastating reality of being in the spotlight can cause someone by showing the rangers first hand how it would be if said identities were revealed.  Both Zoey and her mom returns to take center stage here but the way the story is handled feels so right, sincere as well as the lesson of the day being earned in a way that felt genuine for character development that was not even for one of the rangers. I love Nikki Rev, the actress that was referenced a few episodes ago appears here while trying to just have a normal unseen day at Riptide Gym but gets hilariously exposed by one of Ben and Betty's shenanigans that the rangers have to step in and make sure she gets away from a crazy mob of fans.

As fun as it seemed at first for some of the rangers at the thought of being famous like Devon with his video gaming and Steel constantly talking about having a cooking show despite not being able to eat! LOL That running gag with Steel is once again another reason why the humor within the team is some of the funniest stuff I've seen from the show in a while. Steel and Nate's interactions just made be chuckle too much! Anyway, the rangers finally see first hand the extreme drawbacks of fame; making Zoey more adamant about stopping her mom from revealing the rangers' identities to the world.  I absolutely love Zoey and her mom here with Zoey being so in character by putting herself on the line to save the team's identities by trying to breakthrough her mom's excitement at a huge scoop and career upgrade with her story.  The scenes between them both were great and I'm tremendously proud how the writers incorporated Nikki Rev into the story by owing the rangers by helping Zoey to convince her mom to leave the ranger identities' alone by showing just how fame can ruin things like her missed interview at the beginning of the episode thanks to fan hounding her at the airport. Jesus! O_O  It felt like such a natural, smart way of getting Zoey's mom to learn a lesson for once and yes, adults can learn from teenagers, especially their kids when they trying to do the right thing which I am all for! :)

The villain plot was actually not so bad as usual with Vargoyle showing off how he has the beast powers of the core trio of Beast Morphers but apparently needs to refuel with Morph X to sustain the power.  Hmmmmm, makes sense I guess! :P Also, he and Scrozzle manage to steal an idea from the evil avatars by making a Memory Pulsator that Vargoyle will use to set up in the city to some how obtain more Morph-X (Not fully explained HOW but wait til next episode I guess! O_o lol) .  Meanwhile, Scrozzle will send both a Robotron and Gigadrone to battle the rangers as well as keep them busy so he can plant the weapon at a satellite tower??? Hmmmmmm, interesting!??? :)  But overall, "Ranger Reveal" is strong in its message of giving people their space to live normal, unassuming lives like ours by bringing out the best in Zoey once again and bringing in a nice family dilemma with her mom over the secret identities of the rangers. Also, more awesome set up by the villains in terms of plot progression so top notch all around! :)

Final Morph: A-


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