Season 20, Episode 9: Prince Takes Knight

"Prince Takes Knight"
Episode 9
Air Date: April 9th, 2013

Well, I'll give Vrak credit for actually coming up with a good plan for once as he decides to kidnap Robo Knight instead of destroying him as he will be a more powerful ally on their side and against the rangers.   I suppose the episode is harmless but Mega Force seriously becoming too preachy to the point of dialogue that feels stilted and repetitive as hell. "We'll never give up!" "We'll protect the Earth with every breath we have left!" Wash, rinse, repeat! It's almost feel like a textbook layout of the series being recycled over and over with no depth or stakes to it.  I guess it doesn't help that Jonathan Tzachor is the one behind such insulting dialogue our heroes are forced to say every week.  It definitely is reminding me of the more insufferable, preachy aspects of Wild Force's writing at times....but at least there were great things about the show to offset that annoying recurrence of that show so often.  Here there's nothing to get really invested in.  Not the characters since their personalities have remained two dimensional as hell, the villains are.....just there and Robo Knight is....welll....just a robot! Can't really develop much of a personality there......and yet! He is more emotional onscreen opposite a flesh and blood human like Troy! Dear GOD!!! O_O

Honestly, Troy is the most perplexing of the group.  He doesn't really have a personality as he just does things we know he just does.  He knows martial arts and trains.....he isn't easily intimidated by bullies....and most importantly, for some reason, is having this recurring dream of this all out brawl between an army of rangers against an endless fleet of foot soldiers!!!  Even when he brings it up, there's no plausible reason for it outside Noah's scientific explanation of dreams often times telling us the future.  Also, when one of them mentions what side Robo Knight is on, Troy says...."I'm not sure".........wait...WHATTTT!!??? -_-  You saw him clearly fighting by your side during the battle alongside all the other rangers yet they are having a discussion about whether he's on their side or not!?!?!?  So does anyone check these scripts before releasing them to New Zealand???!! -_-  Omg!!!

Anyway, Vrak summons a monster named Psychotick (Get it! :P) to help him kidnap Robo Knight and they succeed; beginning to drain his power while he's in a cage that has a giant tick attached to it.  Apparently, once all of his power is absorbed, he'll go offline and Vrak can begin reprogramming him to be evil and all that.  Soon the rangers find them, a huge battle ensues, Robo Knight frees himself because the rangers won't give up (And I'm serious!)  and they finally defeat Psychotick.  Oh there was also moment in the episode where Psychotick was sucking all the energy from the city.....that has no official name STILL!!! -_-  But that's completely irrelevant since it accomplishes nothing but some horrible attempts at comedy.  Anyway, after Vrak makes Psychotick grow.....Robo Knight just summons new zords out of nowhere because free zords are this season in a nutshell to form the Gosei Grand Megazord.........uhhh huh!  He destroys the monster but he's still adamant about working alone even if the rangers see he is starting to warm up to them.  Awwwww.....Ehhhhh maybe this was as decent as I thought.  Next....smdh.....

Final Morph: C-


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