Season 20, Episode 8: Robo Knight

"Robo Knight"
Episode 8
Air Date: March 30th, 2013

As far as 6th ranger introductions go, there have been worse like Samurai's........Gold Ranger debut! *Shivers*  I guess what makes this one sub-par for me is there isn't much of a mystery behind him or a whole lot of personality....given he's a robot knight and all.  But I find it absolutely hilarious when the rangers are introducing themselves to him, especially Troy when he puts his hand out for Robo Knight to shake his but he just walks away.  Oh that's not the funny part, it's the emotionally vacant stone face of Troy that momentarily makes Robo Knight more human than he is.  Seriously, what the hell is up with Andrew Grey's performance!???!  It's one thing to have absolutely no direction but to constantly have an expressionless face as you're "acting" is the worse form of acting possible.  Like NO one on the set told to emote??? Were they telling him to play stoic and that's all he could come up with??? -_-  Anyway.....

The main plot of the episode prior to Robo Knight's debut is Admiral Malcore being confronted by Vrak about these creatures on Earth as a result of massive population becoming mutants (Oh boy, where's Wild Force?! 0_0) and saying they should team up with them to finally get rid of the rangers.  I just find it hilarious that all of Kite/Animus' proclamations of humans ruining the environment becomes even more plausible here.  The two Toxic mutants, Bluefar and Bigs, even have a conversation about talking over the world after getting revenge of the humans for creating them do to their constant neglect of keeping the Earth nice and clean.  Oh boy! Vrak soon arrives and makes his deal with them to get rid of the rangers as he persuades them to see they have the same goals.  The two mutants soon attack the city......but not before Noah and Emma stumble onto that incredibly hazardous toxic plant that was abandoned and see how the excessive pollution has spilled out and is damaging the environment.  I'm just just going batsh!t crazy that those two are literally onto of years of toxic waste and aren't immediately being killed by being so close.  Then again, this is the same universe where the atmosphere, the way space works and gravity are completely BS so why not??? O_o  

Anyway, Noah gets sample and discovers the apparently high toxicity levels of the slug before confronting the two mutants and their Snake monster in the city.  The three make quick work of the five of course....until Robo Knight appears and does his debut 6th ranger badass thing while the rangers recover and take on the two mutants.  After the two mutants retreat from getting weaker, Robo Knight destroys the snake monster with his own weapon (A gun that's also a phone/card holder and can become a sword.....because Sentai! o_O) Anyway, after destroying the monster, Vrak uses his Zombats to make the monster grow; leaving Robo Knight to summon his zord form, a Lion Zord that soon becomes the Lion Mechazord, which is essentially a lion head on a giant construction truck....cause Sentai Part 2! O_O  The monster has also transformed into some hideous monster truck creature with a Snake head....because....oh you know by now! :P  Robo Knight manages to destroy the monster and we get that aforementioned introduction between him and the rangers.  The villains are of coursed pissed by the new threat while the rangers arrive all angrily about Robo Knight's arrival to Gosei and Tensou.  We get an information dump of why he was created and why he has returned (which just continues the why didn't he awake during all the other threats against Earth the past 20 years but whatever! -_-)  So now the rangers must try to make him remember he and they are on the same side blah, blah, blah.  There have been worse episode and this is just kind of there at best. 

Final Morph: C-


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