Season 16, Episode 31: Path of the Righteous

"Path of the Righteous"
Episode 31
Air Date: November 3rd, 2008
I know from the first time I watched this episode back in 2014 that it would be one that'd stick out in my mind to the point where I couldn't wait to re-watch Jungle Fury for that very reason!!! "Path of the Righteous" is quite the penultimate episode in that it's so filled with action, stakes and end of the world mayhem it's hard to believe this isn't the season finale itself. And while the official climatic battle between Dai Shi and the Pai Zhuq won't happen for one more episode, the fight between Casey and Dai Shi/Jarrod in his throne room is without a doubt one of the most impressive and intense fight sequences the show has EVER produced. One thing I must give so much credit to the New Zealand crew is despite Disney's borderline negligence of the franchise during the time they owned is beyond remarkable. How is it that a kid's show like Power Rangers can have such pulse pounding, mature well choreographed action than most big Hollywood blockbusters??? You can just tell even with the limited budget, the crew wasn't afraid to go there and get really ambitious during these final battles during the last episodes of each season. Honestly, this definitely beats out the mansion brawl during "Crown and Punishment" last season, no competition! But what makes the one on one face off between Casey and Dai Shi/Jarrod so brutal and rewarding in suspense is not just the relentless destructive action, but the excellent build up toward it. I absolutely love the inclusion of "To Kill A Mockingbird" and how Dominic giving him advice about his situation with Jarrod reflected the book he's reading to the point where it inspired Casey to finally go after Jarrod himself and literally fight for his humanity when no one else believes him.
I really enjoyed the following scene between Casey and Master Mao. To this day, such wonderful acting from both actors, especially Jason Smith who really sells Casey's desperation, anguish but honorable determination to follow his instincts once again when even someone as noble as Master Mao was trying to make him doubt his willingness to fight for an enemy essentially trapped within another enemy. Sure, Jarrod did free Dai Shi and allowed him to re-enter the world (Tho once again, a simply lock would have stopped that! -_-) but Dominic was right about him not really given a chance to show the good in himself given his pretty harsh background as we saw in "Good Karma, Bad Karma". Clearly Carnisoar erasing his good deeds in the past effected him more and kind forced him down a path he never wanted in the first place. Wow. :( Really made every hit and thrown through a wall moment so much more emotional and effective. Not to mention, Bede Skinner really sold those line deliveries like "I AM HIMMM!!!" and "You're not leaving at all!" Jesus, Dai Shi really can be scary and I wish we got more of this side of him. So unhinged, terrifying and ruthless. Yikes! O_O Of course, even when Casey seemingly wins, he makes Jarrod realize he is a good person and his humanity as well as lion spirit see to that. It's enough to free him from Dai Shi and unexpectedly make Camille try to sacrifice herself for him.
I also like how Camille's redemption was sprinkled throughout this season and it made sense she would risk her life for Jarrod in the end even tho she always wanted Dai Shi's adoration for her as his main general. Even when she attacks Snapper and demands why he tried to have her kill, she still lies to him after he tells her she's growing too close to Jarrod with in Dai Shi. I'll get more into this in my overview but it definitely solidify both of them as the most complex and interesting villains this season compared to the "crush, kill, destroy" personalities that dominated all the other villains throughout. Anyway, I also love how RJ let Casey do his thing to save Jarrod; telling the other rangers it was his destiny but coming in to aid him once the final two Phantom Beasts confronted him, Jarrod and Camille. This was such an awesome battle royal with the 5 rangers as well as Jarrod and Camille teaming up in their morphed forms. It even leads to them combining their respective animal spirits with the rangers' zords during their final battle against Scorch. It made for a truly tremendous conclusion and Casey finally earning his stripes felt...well...earned!!! Even more so than Theo and Lily like it should! :) Once again more in my overview. ;) Of course, even tho Jarrod is freed and owes Casey, he still feels responsible...since you know....he freed Dai Shi in the first place and feels he should be punished. While Casey pardons him since the rangers need their help against Dai Shi and his army, Jarrod just can't carry that wait of responsibility and he departs with Camille while Dai Shi prepares his army for the final fight as Scorch has survived yet again (Damn, those Phantom Beasts really are THAT powerful! O_O) and will lead his army to victory against the rangers; leading into the finale.
"Path of the Righteous" does a lot right even when it maybe a tad too overzealous in it's apocalyptic action sequences and it not being the end of the story yet! Both Casey and Jarrod's personal arcs come ahead in stunning form with great acting all around; especially highlighting Casey at his most heroic, not to mention badass when he literally walks through an army of Rin Shi without breaking a sweat. WOW!!! :) Still my favorite episode of this season and the best segway into a concluding episode in a long while! :) Hell, we even get some last set up for Lily and Theo's romance between each other. Nice! :)
Final Morph: A+
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