Season 16, Episode 30: To Earn Your Stripes

I honestly what makes this episode so thrilling and even chilling at times is that we finally center around the two most underdog characters of the season: Dai Shi and Casey as they both are struggling with their inner insecurities as well as humanity when they both are tested here before the final showdown occurs this season. First, we have Dai Shi who can't seem to control Jarrod within him to the point where even Camille is shocked by his sudden compassion and gratitude toward her. That scene between Dai Shi speaking to Jarrod in the mirror was kind of frightening as clearly Jarrod is fighting for control over his body; wanting redemption for what he had done before hand but Dai Shi just reassuring him how weak he is and how easy it was to make him his vessel given how innately evil. It's some nice psychological stuff for this show and I really wish we got more scenes like this showing Jarrod struggling against Dai Shi's will. It really adds to the conflict at hand by making this much deeper than just your average villain and makes the rivalry between the villains and rangers more compelling, even morally grey. It also works like I said, as Casey is going through his own moment of self doubt as when RJ surprisingly takes the three rangers to get their Master stripes, instead of everything Casey has learned, he relies on watching Theo and Lily to try to beat Master Finn. While the two officially become Masters, Casey unfortunately does not; once again putting him in a position of trying to catch up like he had to at the beginning of the season.
I love how this is Casey's last challenge and becoming a Master isn't easy for him....just like trying to catch up to his respective teammates all season wasn't easy as well. But it's his moment of failure that ultimately leads him to an unexpected showdown between Camille and three Phantom Beast warriors sent by Snapper and Scorch to destroy her. We see Jarrod shinning through and coming to her aid before she is destroyed. After destroying two of the warriors, the female warrior manages to escape as Casey bares witness to all of it and tries to go off to tell the others. But unfortunately, Lepus attacks Casey and believes she can gains back Dai Shi's trust by destroying him. While fending her off, the other four rangers manage to arrive to assist as they use all their weapons/power to destroy her...but she just grows. Once again, the rangers combine the power of all their zords in a ferocious stampede attack that finishes her once and all. But what I really enjoy about the episode is how the final pieces have been set up for the penultimate episode and finale. Casey's argument with Theo and Lily was actually very well written. While it maybe harsh of them to give up on Jarrod since he is kind of possessed, there hasn't been anything so far that has indicated to them that Jarrod's humanity is alive and well considering he's been trying to destroy them all season with no remorse. Only Casey has seen the good left in Jarrod and while it's even harsher for them to not give even Jarrod credit because he was such a jerk before, it makes sense that when it comes to their battle against Dai Shi they can't split hairs on saving Jarrod when it could put them in more danger.
Then you have Jarrod revealing he saved Camille not Dai Shi...before Dai Shi regains control and tells her to get off his throne. Jesus, there is soooo much abuse subtext with these two characters that I'm sure wasn't meant to be there....or was it??? Anyway, "To Earn Your Stripes" is very strong in showcasing the best of the worst in our main baddie and valiant leader. The kung fu action is also truly spectacular here during the Master match ups...but then again, they have been all season and shame on me if I haven't it. Things aren't resolved with Casey once again put in a position to prove himself, no more than ever and the Dai Shi/Jarrod inner conflict is reaching is amazing breaking point I hope. lol :)
Final Morph: A
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