Season 16, Episode 20: Dash for the Dagger

"Dash for the Dagger"
Episode 20
Air Date: July 14th, 2008
This certainly is an event filled episode and as it should considering we are heading deeper into the Rhino Nexus arc as Dominic awakes from a startling dream of the past when Master Mao gave him the "Control Dagger" to entrust him with it as it is apart of his destiny when he realizes it's the time. The next morning, he tells RJ and the others but says it's just a myth until RJ clarifies that it is true as it is the key to the Rhino Nexus since it is the only way to unlock the barrier to it. Wanting to eagerly get the dagger to lead him to his destiny, Dominic heads to where he hid is many years ago as Theo tags along.....sigh..... Honestly, my only really problem with this episode is Theo feeling so entitled to go along with Dominic and take the dagger from him when he reveals it because Dominic can't take it seriously. Ummmmm, excuse me tho, Dominic maybe a bit too immature and careless.......Ok, maybe he does have a point but why would you just take it and think it'll only be safe in your hands when it turns out you will eventually lose it!!! Yes, I know it was meant to show how careless even Theo can be but it just goes to show it wasn't his place to decide what Dominic should do with his own weapon aka that Master Mao only entrusted him to carry. So when you think about it this whole sequence of misfortune events are because of Theo thinking he was more able to look after a weapon that is meant for Dominic and his destiny. Yeah, the whole laundry hijinks didn't make me laugh in the least and just pissed me off how it ended up in a washing machine cause of Theo. -_- Also, there was also Casey being a jerk to Dominic again when he was trying to protect the dagger and it ending up in Camille's hands because it. I get this is suppose to show that Dominic isn't the only one to make a mistake considering everyone is so hard on him about his antics but it just bothered me how this all could have been easily avoided if Dominic went solo after the dagger and the rest of the team took care of the evil forces that might be after it; trusting their newest teammate, but hey, I guess that's what character development is for. :P
When comes to Dai Shi, after failing to breakthrough to the Rhino Nexus, he walks back to his palace (Jesus, how long was this Nexus from his palace? O_O) and is seemingly injured when he is captured by Jellica for leaving. She brings Dai Shi to Carnisoar and Grizzaka as she tells them he tried to go to the Rhino Nexus but Grizzaka mentions only the control dagger can open the way to the Rhino Nexus. Also, Carnisoar has gotten another one of those crystal eyes of the Phantom Beasts but still needs 6 more to bring them back. Yeaahhhhh, hopefully these beasts will be much better than the Five Fingers were! o_o Seriously! Anyway, after trying to reclaim his thrown by fighting Grizzaka once more, Dai Shi is once again defeated and thrown into the dungeon by Jellica as punishment for his insolence! O_o Camille, being the loyal and faithful general, visits Dai Shi as he mentions the Control Dagger to her; giving her an idea to trick the rangers into telling her where it is. After getting Lily to mention where the dagger might be during a quick fight, she goes after Dominic who finally goes to bring it back to the loft while Theo heads out to help the other three rangers defeat Grizzaka's latest monster, Whirnado, who is breaking the city apart. While the two megazords are formed to defeat Whirnado, during the fight, Whirnado manages to live an egg behind before he is destroyed. Yeah....that's one way to survive I guess?? O_o Anyway, after the other rangers head to help Dominic against Camille and she ends up with the dagger like I said, that egg begins shaking up the city and reveals itself to be a second Whirnado or Whircano.....uhhh huh...O_O And she's female now??? Seriously, what kind of animal is this suppose to be?? *Does research on rangerwiki*.....How the hell is THAT an Ostrich?!!! -_- Oh whatever...
The five rangers combine forces including their Master Mode and individual attacks with the Rhino Ranger delivering the final blow to destroy her for good....yeah, second monster was whole bunch of nothing then??? -_- Anyway, after the battle, RJ realizes they must go to the Rhino Nexus to stop Dai Shi from getting the Rhino power while Camille hands him the dagger and uses it to escape his prison. Overall, "Dash for the Dagger" was actually good, if not only problematic for me because of my own personal irritation of Theo's characterization this episode and not just focusing more on Dominic proving himself by going after the dagger himself. But whatever, it move the plot forward well enough.
Final Morph: B
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