Season 16, Episode 28: The Spirit of Kindness

"The Spirit of Kindness"
Episode 28
Air Episode: October 13th, 2008
I suppose there's nothing really wrong with this episode.....outside of my own reservations about the sudden turn of events for the rangers. I did love the irony of them being afraid of a rat considering they fight MUCH worse on a daily basis but that kind of humor always made me laugh just cause it works so well. lol I guess my problem with the episode is the whole dilemma with Whiger once he returns and gets banished by Dai Shi. Now I get taking away his Rinzin power and sending him away for good, but I'm surprised they took their fellow Phantom Beast's punishment to the heart so quick. They knew Dai Shi would be unhappy and punish him but I guess taking his power and banishing him crossed the line for them??? It just doesn't make sense since the Phantom Beasts were so adamant about making Dai Shi their king when suddenly, after he punishes one of them, they decide Camille has to go and they don't trust Dai Shi; thinking the human within him is effecting his judgement. Now while that is extremely plausible and gives the whole Dai Shi possession of Jarrod more layers, it makes it seem like the Phantom Beasts don't exactly know what they want.
Also, Casey saving Whiger has trying to destroy him to win back Dai Shi's respect comes kind of out of nowhere. Sure it was dangerous and pretty stupid of Casey to go after a Phantom Beast almost spiritless, but it just seemed more absurd that he would save Whiger who almost falls off the cliff. I thought it would be because he still has his Tiger spirit, but Casey just goes on about how he's one of the good guys and it being the right thing to do blah blah blah. I'm sorry but where did this sudden compassion of his enemy come from. Even Whiger decides after Casey saves him to help him free all the people of the city as well as the other rangers when they are captured by two Phantom Beast Warriors, Badrat (Uhhh huh!) and Rammer (Ha!). They were sent on a mission by Dai Shi to capture all the humans of the city and collect them to feed off their fear so he can become stronger. This whole fear giving the villains strength has been a very big factor in terms of their power source as opposed to the rangers' own power source(s) of inner strength, instinct, bravery, etc. More on that in my Overview coming up soon!!! O_O Anyway, the two team up to free all the citizens and the other rangers but run into Camille who outfights them at first but once Whiger gives Casey back his Tiger spirit, they combine both their spirits to fend her off until she retreats. Unfortunately, without his Rinzin power, that was the last of Whiger's strength as he begins to fade out of existence. He gives Casey some touching final words before he finally morphs and uses his Shark sabers to free everyone from their traps.
Once Rammer and Badrat realize all the humans are free they begin to hilariously panic just as all five rangers confront them. They combine all their powers and seemingly defeat them until they both grow. They summon all 3 megazords, but even that isn't enough to destroy both of them as even Badrat survives. Luckily, the rangers create a new formation as well as used the combined power of all the zords to finish the job. Anyway, "The Spirit of Kindness" just irked me a lot because of it's sudden turn of events. I guess it does a good job of setting up the final 4 episodes ahead but the alliance between Casey and one of the Phantom Beasts should have been set up more. Just comes out of no where and honestly out of convenience but the writers could have done FARRRRR worse!
Final Morph: C+
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