Season 16, Episode 22: Arise the Crystal Eyes

"Arise the Crystal Eyes"
Episode 22
Air Episode: July 28th, 2008
During the last few episodes with the Rhino Nexus arc, the arc to follow it was also given some set up with the Overloads collecting crystal eyes of the infamous Phantom Beasts, apparently so powerful they were the worst of the worst during the Beast War. As the episode opens, RJ informs the rest of the team about the 8 eyes and how an archaeologist in town has found 5 of them; leaving the whereabouts of the other 3 unknown but Dominic suggests that Dai Shi may have them. Also, they must find all 8 before the end of the ceremony tonight that will be the only time to resurrect them. Meanwhile, Dai Shi and Camille return to his palace where they meet Grizzaka and Jellica who believe the Phantom Beasts are their only key now. Dai Shi's powers clearly have grown indeed as he's able to quickly defeat Grizzaka in a fight; leaving him to reclaim his the moment. With Dai Shi more powerful, Grizzaka realizes he must gain more fear from the city to become more powerful than Dai Shi or he'll destroy both of them while Jellica stays to keep her eye of Dai Shi. As Dai Shi and Camille talk about how the Overloads will return to destroy them now that he has reclaimed his throne, Camille mentions to Dai Shi about the crystal eyes and shows him the room where the Overloads planned to resurrect them. When they realize they only need five more eyes, Camille also shows Dai Shi the article about the archaeologist who has them.
Soon Casey arrives in the lab where the archaeologist is working with her colleague and introduces himself to her. After Casey gives her some insight on animal spirits, he tells Dr. Jennings that someone evil is coming after the crystals and that she needs to give it to him for the time being until the danger passes. Of course, she doesn't by it without a clear explanation and refuses to give them to him...making me tilt my head at Casey wondering why he didn't just tell her or come in as the Red Ranger; telling her Dai Shi is after the crystal eyes and the rangers need to protect it until the danger is gonna since that full moon ceremony is only for that night! -_- Anyway, after telling RJ the issue, Casey decides to stay behind when Dai Shi goes after the eyes while RJ meets up with the other rangers to help them against Grizzaka and an army of Rin Shi causing mayhem in the city. While the 4 rangers confront him and his army, Camille, disguised as a civilian confront Dr. Jennings and steals the crystal eyes; leaving Casey to spring into action and stop her. But when the Rin Shi capture Dr. Jennings, Casey must make a quick decision about saving her or getting the crystals. He saves the Dr. of course as Camille gets away with the 5 crystals but Casey immediately goes after her once the Dr. is okay. This will all go back to an earlier comment of RJ's about Casey doing what he has to to get the crystals so....whatever! lol Anyway, as the four rangers struggle against the Land Overload, Casey trakcs down Camille as she gives Dai Shi the 5 crystals. But when Casey makes himself known he's there, Dai Shi looks around until Casey attacks him in his Jungle Master Mode. Once again, the two fight with Dai Shi easily able to give Casey a tougher fight with his growing power as Jellica uses the opportunity to get all 8 crystals. Dai Shi sees her and manages to stop her but Casey uses his jets to quickly steal the case of crystals from him...while Jellica has the other 3.....uhh ohh!!! O_o
Back in the city, Grizzaka is tossing the rangers around like rage dolls and plans to finish them off for good until Casey arrives to save them. He gets the idea to combine his Jungle Master claw with Dominic's blade morpher and is actually works to give Grizzaka a challenge; even damaging him significantly. After giving back Dominic his morpher, all five rangers listen to Casey and realize they all must combine their powers to destroy him. Combining the Claw Cannon, Wolf Bane blast and Rhino Morpher, the five seemingly destroy Grizzaka once and for all....but he just grows as he is still too powerful for them. Jesus!!! This final fight is epic by the way; especially seeing all 3 megazords against Grizzaka. I love how they finish him off with a new formation aka the Jungle Stampede which includes all the zords coming together for one big final finisher that finally destroy Grizzaka. As Camille and Dai Shi look on, he tells her he lost the 5 crystals just as the rangers return them to Dr. Jennings. She actually gives them to Casey for him to protect....even sort of indicating she might know he's the Red Ranger...SEE!!! -_- lol Anyway, as RJ talks to Casey about his decision to save Dr. Jennings and potentially losing the 5 crystals, he reminds RJ about using his instincts like RJ taught him too in "No "I" in Team". It's actually a very awesome callback actually making that whole moment earlier feel like a progression in Casey's arc. Nice! But unfortunately, Jellica still has the other 3 crystals and it looks like she's about to raise the Phantom Beasts to protect herself from Dai Shi....uhhh ohhh. Overall, very action packed again and it almost has a nice season finale feel to it with the stakes and intensity at hand with the villain in-fighting as well as the rangers doing whatever it takes to defeat the rest of the Overloads. Even that sunset sequence during the megazord fight is glorious yet so warm. Some really well directed Sentai footage! :)
Final Morph: A
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