Season 16, Episode 25: One Last Second Chance

"One Last Second Chance"
Episode 25
Air Episode: August 18th, 2008
Ehhhhh, I just wish we had more time with the Spirit Rangers as antagonists for a while before getting wrapped up here. This was such an original and refreshing concept (Not to mention, one of the rare occasions where the American production created rangers solely for Power Rangers with no Sentai counterparts). Also, I am extremely unhappy with RJ's characterization this episode. Last episode, he gets cryptic message from his dad and suddenly he thinks destroying the Master's animal spirits with the Spirit Rangers as well....but there is CLEARLY a chance that he can destroy the masters as well aka his own father. I know his father said take the risk but that is such a selfish, messed decision want he could be destroying the Masters as well. You're telling me there was NO other way for the rangers to avoid it than risking the lives of the masters. I know Lily and RJ have a moment to talk about where Lily gives him some words of wisdom and RJ finally says he should have looked for another solution instead of destroying his father and yes, the rangers end of using the reprogrammed Claw Cannon on the Shark Ranger and Master Finn is apparently dead but luckily he only got trapped inside one of the crystal eyes.....forever!!! Ehhhhhhh!!! -_- It's just so drastic and irresponsible when we know RJ is much more level headed and wise than portrayed here. O_O Not to mention, the realization of killing his father after Camille reveals such, RJ seems more disappointed than the fact he just inadvertently got his father killed!??? What the??? O_O
For once, Flint comes in handy as when one of the Phantom Beast Generals' orders one of their warriors to through the crystal eye into the river, he saves Master Finn and gives the crystal to RJ. Finally RJ thinks it through and much clearer here; managing to remember his father's strange telescope when he visited him before his kidnapping. Turns out the telescope holds a bit of starlight left which is the only thing that can release his father from the crystal. He succeeds but the family reunion is cut short when the other 4 rangers are being attack by the other two Spirit Rangers led by Unidoom that they need to save them by rescuing the other masters from Dai Shi. Kinda a risky plan considering Dai Shi's endless army of foot soldiers, the Phantom Beasts and their warriors, not to mention Dai Shi himself! But the two manage to fight their way to where the masters are being held and surprisingly free them...until Dai Shi confronts them. I have to say what I am enjoying is the constant reminder of Jarrod and Dai Shi sharing the same body. Clearly Jarrod's body is more than just a vessel as he is still in there when we get more moments of his humanity showing while Dai Shi maybe in control. Geoff Dolan is really doing an amazing job with the bits of nuances in his face as we see pieces of Jarrod shinning through Dai Shi's unspeakable will. Really awesome and complex stuff....for Power Rangers anyway! :P Lol Anyway, after an brief but intense fight between RJ and Dai Shi, RJ uses his Wolf Spirit to cause the room to collapse on Dai Shi while he and the three masters escape.
Now with the three masters safe and having their free will back in all, they are now able to control their animal spirits again by making the Spirit Rangers the newest members of the team once again. Which is a great intro fight and this is the most rangers we've had on a team at this point in the rangers with 8 (Tho S.P.D. technically had 9, meh! lol) Of course, the Spirit Rangers take care of Unidoom by destroying him and the rangers reunite with the masters telling them the Spirit Rangers will there to aid them now against their fight with Dai Shi. Meanwhile, Camille is trying to get the warriors to held her gain some Rinzin power but they just laugh her off for being a Chameleon.....RUDE MUCH!!?? O_O So with the Spirit Rangers no longer in his control, Dai Shi does what PR villain typically do by blaming his generals for failing when it was clearly his fault this time. -_- But he does get the idea to use Whiger for his next plan when it comes to the Tiger spirit...uhhh my Casey!!! :( Lol Overall, "One Last Second Chance" (dumb title by the way! Why not "The Last of Chances"??? Just doesn't make sense! -_-) is mediocre for me. The action is solid as well as the story progression but I just didn't like how RJ was written so incompetent by risking the lives of the masters and almost getting his father killed but getting him trapped in a crystal eye for eternity! O_o
Final Morph: C-
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