Season 13, Episode 7: Sam, Part 1

"Sam, Part 1"
Episode 7
Air Episode: March 12th, 2005

Well, it's nice to see a two parter that begins to explore some unanswered questions that have kinda been looming since the B-Squad was assembled but never really brought to our attention before.  How is it that the rangers each have special abilities outside their  ranger powers and so happened to end up all at SPD at the same time??? O_o Well, "Sam" looks to proper bring that question some sort of an answer when a young boy named Sam, who can make things disappear and reappear, gets recruited by Mora to help the latest monster she created, Bugglesworth, to steal buildings from the city and make them reappear miles away so her monster can turn people into dolls she can play with.  Needless to say, that's.... REALLY creepy!!! O_O I gotta say, I'm LOVING Mora as a villain! :)  It's unusual to have a child actor as the main villain, yet alone a child villain that doesn't irritate or make you want to claw at your screen! O_o  Sure, young actress, Olivia James-Baird's very obvious New Zealand slips out with every line she delivers but it doesn't take away from her solid performance the child villain.  There's just something about Mora's child innocence juxtaposed to her menacing machinations to manipulated Sam and turn people into dolls so she can play with them is so refreshing for the show and something we've NEVER seen before, so kudos on the writes for making this kind of new type of villain for the show.

Not to mention, the titular Sam being played by a decent actor as well as you honestly feel really bad for the kid who feels so alone and abandoned in the world due to having strange powers as well as no friends because of it.  Nothing groundbreaking, but actor Aaron James Murphy does a fine enough job that doesn't make Sam come off needlessly annoying and irritating as child actors go on this show.  Looking at you Ms.  Junior Ranger from "Trakeena's Revenge"!!! -_- Anyway, I also enjoyed Z's part in the story as she becomes an unlikely anchor to stray Sam on the right path given her may have dangerous powers but is just a kid and needs someone to teach him about accepting himself as well as morality.  Of course, this is leading to more insight on Z's childhood backstory pre-Jack which I believe will be explored next episode and I can't honestly wait.

Back to the villains, I continue to find utter hilarity watching Grumm, Broodwing and Mora interact while making their next move against the rangers.  It's just so odd yet unbelievably entertaining watching Grumm become so arrogant and agitated while Mora uses her child persona to make Broodwing  give her a special gift to shut her up after he counts his money after working for Grumm so far.  Seriously, it's new and unique in terms of villain dynamics and I'm all for it.  Also, it's nice to see a new villain appear in such random yet exciting fashion in the form of an Orange Head Krybot that's easily able to outfight a morphed Z and Jack while Bugglesworth and especially Mora continue to manipulate Sam to work for her to give her friends in return.  it's such an obvious but saddening way to manipulate a child like Sam as he watches Z and Jack about to be finished off by the Orange Head; ending Part 1.  So far, an extremely enjoyable episode featuring some nice zord fight footage, plot movement on the origin of the S.P.D. rangers' civilian powers and a touching story that shows Z in a wonderful light as both a badass and mentor to a young child that doesn't make my eyes close for business??? O_o Not bad S.P.D., not bad at all! :)

Final Morph: B+


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