Season 1, Episode 6: Hourglass

Episode 6
Air Date: November 20th, 2001

You know with all the references and discussions about the future, I'm surprised this episode wasn't called "Destiny".  In particular, the writers for the first time have fun with where our primary hero and future villain are going. Is there a more disturbing and frightening sequence than of Lex as President of the United States; then in a field of full of sunflowers that all die and turn into a field of corpses??? To top it all off, rain shower of blood covers Lex as he drowns in his victory of the many deaths he has caused. It's almost as if this episode wasn't even an episode of "Smallville", it feels more like an episode of apart of an anthology series like "the Twilight Zone" or "American Horror Story" with a touch of the mystery and skepticism of "the X-Files". Either way, "Hourglass" proves to be one of the early classics from this series's first season. What I love so much about it is not only how we get our first glimpses of Clark and Lex's foretold futures from the comics but also features some of the best guest stars to grace the show.

First we have Cassandra Carver, played with such elegance and lovely strength by Jackie Burroughs. I love Cassandra, from her subtle knots and nudges to all the people around her as she shares her gift of premonitions to Clark in particular. I love their relationship in this episode, with Cassandra being the first person in a beautiful scene to tell Clark a little about his destiny. It's amazing how even just a little moment of her telling Clark he's meant to help people is a remarkable, Supermanly moment without having to force it or make it resonate with John Williams score that future episodes will do. Its just a simple sequence of a insightful friend reaching out to another and it's ever so slightly, but nicely. I also love the freakish', nightmare vision that Clark and Cassandra share about his future with Clark seeing tombstones all around him of the closest people that draws back to show an endless field of tombstones....YIKES!!! O_O Next we have our villain of the week, played with such menace and evil glee by both George Murdock as Old Harry and even more so by Eric Christian Olsen. While the scene with Clark in his retirement home room was creepy as well as at the beginning of the episode with Lana, I love the ALL of the scenes with young Harry the most as he terrorizes Smallville by getting revenge on the descendants of the jurors who convicted him. Even the comedic moments worked with young Harry not being to familiar with the times and you gotta love Chloe for mocking young Harry about where "you young people congregate." lol

I also am loving the subtle tension between Clark and Lex when Lex reveals he saved the car from the "Pilot" and you can clearly tell that Clark doesn't trust Lex in the slightest. It just speaks volumes about their friendship even this early on in the series as Clark knows there's a part of him that doesn't trust Lex yet....maybe not ever......

Speaking of Lex, I love when he becomes apart of the story, with his mischievous curiosity getting the best of him again when Clark mentions Cassandra and her special ability. I love both their scenes from the first time they meet in that wonderful garden scene to the shocking conclusion where Cassandra finally gets that horrifying vision of Lex after touching him! Again Yikes! O_O Also, the final confrontation between Martha and young Harry is just chilling, feeling like a scene straight out of a suspenseful horror movie. It's nice to know about Cassandra's warning of Clark losing someone close to him didn't come to fruition....or at least you think it won't until unfortunately Cassandra dies from the final vision of the future she has of Lex. It's truly saddening and heartbreaking as Clark was really looking to her for guidance in trying to navigate his future....oh well....:( With great scenes of the Torch crew consisting of Clark, Chloe, Pete, even Lana getting on the investigation of Harry's past as well as his murder spree, "Hourglass" is also filled some great visuals and stunning direction like when Cassandra has her vision of someone close to Clark simultaneously as Old Harry falls into the lake and becomes Young Harry. If you aren't a Smallville fan, I definitely think you should check this one out as it's a strong, early indication of how competent the writing could be at times. It's still one of my favorite early episodes and that shot of young Harry stabbing Clark out of no where as the pieces of the knife shatter from contact is just awesome! :)

Final Kryptonite: A+


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