Season 17, Episode 32: Danger and Destiny, Part 2

"Danger and Destiny, Part 2"
Episode 32
Air Episode: December 26th, 2009

Hard to believe the ride is over, but luckily, Chipp once against pulls it all together for the big finish as the rangers, Dr. K, Tenaya and the Corinth's forces make one last giant stand against Venjix and his forces.  I think what I thoroughly enjoyed about the episode was the wonderful pacing as while things are moving fast, nothing's rushed and just feels like its building more and more to something grand for the final battle....and for the most part, it does.  One thing I think makes the final battle so much more special is that the original trio are the ones to face off against Venjix one last time.  Not to mention, unlike Jungle Fury's incredible anticlimatic one shot showdown with Dai Shi, the final battle between the main three and Venjix is not only extensive but full of some of the season's best action and choreography.  Seriously, those stunt doubles were awesome and the editing was top notch, really making you feel it was the actors who were giving their all during this elaborate final fight for the survival of humanity and the destruction of Venjix once and all.  Also, the cast is used very well for the most part with Tenaya being used to upload the counter virus within Venjix that builds to that awesome moment of Venjix seemingly destroying the main three, but the smoke quickly blowing away to revealed them morphed in all their glory.  I really enjoy the burning rubber effects and how they used in the fights more than ever.  I still can't believe how cool that idea works in such a mature, dark series like this but it was just badass seeing the rangers using it all together against Venjix or Ziggy, who gets his own nice final battle to protect Dr. K from some Grinders, uses the effect to own four all together. Nice! :)

I am honestly surprised that Dr. K was able to revive Gem and Gemma just in time to have them save the three and aid in destroying Venjix once and for all but won wonders how she did it.  I guess it was the bio-field like they said and considering they were deleted, I guess Dr. K, being a computer genius, found a way to reverse the deletion since it was all just data??? O_o  The bio-field just sounds so much more fascinating than the main universe's morphing grid...mostly because we actually got a thorough description on what it is while the morphing grid is simply a power connecting anomaly with only hints at its true nature and origins.  Maybe Dino Fury will finally answer those question after 25+ years since the morphin' grid is the basis of the show's plot like I said before but who knows really! Anyway, Venjix's defeat was a great moment, tho I feel bad that Tenaya was almost destroy since Dr. K or the twins didn't even check if she was still in there or not. -_-  But luckily, Dillon conveniently wakes up in time to save her....which is my only issue with the episode.  Everyone gets a lot more to do while Dillon is just a deus ex machina to save Tenaya during her fight with Crunch, who is also hilarious destroy when the control tower crashes into Venjix.

But when all things are said and done the episode concludes with one of the greatest feelings of hope during a finale in a while.  Scott is finally promoted to Eagle Squad by his dad as the world begins going back to normal and begins booming with life.  The rangers saying goodbye and going their seperate ways to start rebuilding the world is a lot more powerful than I remember.  I even LOVED the callback to the premiere with Dillon going back to that flower he gave water to and he as well as Summer and Tenaya witnessing flowers growing everywhere as oxygen levels around the Earth becomes fresh again.  Hell, even Ziggy and Dr. K look like they might end up becoming a couple.....even in real life! ;) I knew their chemistry was more than just their performances.  Gem and Gemma will join Scott to blow things up and Flynn will stay behind in Corinth to help as well.  Of course, all 7 rangers or Series Operators have to give back their morphers.....only one of them appears to be glowing....with Venjix seemingly escaping into Scott's morpher!!! WOW!!! O_O  I wonder if they'll ever give us some pay-off with that 11 year resolution of Venjix's fate....but naw, after the Neo-Saban Era and now Hasbro struggling to keep the series above average, they'll never do that! Would be one of the best unforeseen twists of Power Rangers yet.....;) Stay tuned for my overview!!!

Final Morph: A


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