Season 17, Episode 24: Ancient History

"Ancient History"
Episode 24
Air Date: September 19th, 2009

Well after the last episode's detour into the bizarre and whimsical with a behind the scenes wall break, we return back to the main story and the show proper with this excellent plot heavy outing that finally sees Dr. K beginning to pay for her unfortunate mistake know....creating Venjix and him ending up conquering the world except for one city. O_O  I thoroughly enjoyed this one and how it is expertly set up with Tenaya, Crunch and Shifter investigating the remnants of Alphabet Soup to find out more information to use against the rangers which leads to Tenaya discovering an abandoned location within city where a lot of discarded technology was left after Venjix's battle to take over Earth.  But unfortunately, when Tenaya tries to tell Venjix of her information, General Shifter has already told Venjix and Kilobyte about the location as they have sent a Series 2 Drillbot after the technology to Tenaya's irritated anguish toward Shifter.  Meanwhile, Colonel Truman has already send some of his soldiers to investigate the disturbance while Dr. K sends the rangers out as well to the mountains to stop the soldiers from finding anything that could be troublesome for them....clearly frightful of something. After his soldiers find what's left of a hard drive in a cave, the rangers arrive to be confronted by the Drillbot who bursts through a cave and deflects a combined blast from the rangers' RPM Enforcer and the auxiliary rangers' weapons to a wall in the cave that is destroyed and reveals a zord trapped there seemingly for years.  After Venjix makes the bot grows, the rangers call on their zords to form the SkyRev Megazord....but the megazord is no match for the Drillbot....just as the zord within the cave is activated and reveals itself.... A Dino train aka a Paleo zord!

Of course! It's Power Rangers and it proceeds to kick both the rangers and bot's a$$es before going away.  After the bot retreats back into the ground, the rangers return to get debriefed by Dr. K about the abandoned project aka the Paleo Zord as it was never tested as it was far too powerful and is now out of control within the city.  But it couldn't come at a worse time as Colonel Truman has discovered Dr. K is the creator of the Venjix virus and comes to arrest her for treason...but luckily, Dr. k, the cunning sly fox turns out to be just hologram as she is hiding in a remote location in the city; leading Truman to spread out his forces despite Scott trying to stop him.  After leaving we get a hilarious gag of Dr. K's hologram being an AI and NOT a recording as she tells the rangers they must get the Paleo Zord under control or the city will be in grave danger...before disappearing. So while Colonel Hicks and the rest of soldiers scatter around the city to find her, the rangers must deal with Venjix's Drillbot again which proves to defeat all their megazords as well as zords while Scott tries to single-handedly go after the Paleo Zord himself....which goes about a bad as you'd expect since Scott is just one ranger against an out of control, overpowered dinosaur train! O_O Oh boy!

We get a hilarious sequence of Colonel Truman and his soldiers cashing holograms of Dr. K all over the city while she tries to help the rangers.  Colonel Truman finally realizes where she's hiding and confronts her at the city's base of operations.  We get probably one of the best acted scenes of the series (Which is saying A LOT!!! O_O)  I love everything about this scene as both Truman and Dr. K express their mutual regrets, not to mention losses during the end of the world and able to finally come to an agreement to let her help the rangers as the Drillbot is too powerful for them to fight.  Luckily, Dr. K is able to harness the zord's hardware to align it with the bio nexus field aka their version of the morphin grid to finally get it under their control.  For some reason, Scott tries to attack the Drillbot Carter Grayson style and gets swatted away like a fly for good reason.  Seriously, what the hell??? O_o But with the Paleo Zord finally under their complete control, Scott pilots the zord with Dr. K's enthusiastic encouragement and uses it to form the PaleoMax Megazord which is able to efficiently destroy the Drillbot once and for all.  As the episode concludes with get some more villain animosity between Tenaya and General Crunch as well as Truman informing the rangers about Dr. K's full pardon.  Also, Dr. K scares Ziggy with one more hologram in a priceless last shot! Ha! "Ancient History" is a wonderful jolt of an episode with emotional pay off and goofy zord introductions that only this season could near flawlessly provide us with.  Great acting as well all around this entire season! :)

Final Morph: A-


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