Season 17, Episode 30: End Game

"End Game"
Episode 30
Air Episode: December 19th, 2009

Quick someone call the Avengers!!! O_O that that's out of the way. lol RPM's "Endgame" may not be the now epic and emotionally pounding final chapter of the first 11 years of the MCU but it certainly sets the stage for the show's two part finale quite remarkably actually. :)  After another one of Dillon truly horrifying dreams about his virus taking over, it turns out Gem and Gemma took a damaged Grinder and reprogrammed it to go back to Venjix to find his lair.  While they tell Dr. K and she's ecstatic, Dillon's nightmare seems to be more of a warning that his virus has spread much farther as he doesn't look well and it couldn't come at a worse time as Venjix plans to send his new Generation 12 Energybot to Corinth to tap into the rangers' bio-field to effect their connection to it and uses its power for itself.  And you see just how dangerous this new bot is as it swallows the rangers' blasts from their weapons and fires it right back at them to the point that they violently demorph and all 7 must retreat despite Venjix's attack.  Back at the lab, after Dr. K debriefs the rangers on what the bot has done, she notices Dillon's pain induced mannerisms and tells him that they need to quickly do a scan of the virus within him again as he abruptly storms off in anger at the suggestion.  Man! Gotta feel bad for Dillon and I really wish we got more time with this storyline aspect of his character instead of Tenaya being his sister.  The following scene between Ziggy and Dillon is so charming and heartwarming that it quickly brings you back to their initial dynamic duo interactions at the very beginning of the season by making you truly miss it. :_)  After Ziggy hilariously forces Dillon to come back for the scan, the Energybot attacks them and they are able to morph temporarily with the Dr. K able to only give the limited access to the bio-field just enough to hopefully destroy the bot.

As Ziggy and Dillon continue to struggle with the bot, the rest of the team arrives to use their combined weapons to destroy the bot for good while it sends back a major blast it sent right back to Ranger Black and Green.  After making the monster grow with a download, the 5 arriving rangers summon their zords to use the High Octane Megazord and Mach Megazord to fight it.  But the Energybot is still too strong and forces the rangers out of their zords.  With Ziggy and Dillon left, they form the ValveMax Megazord and with some reinforced power from Dr. K are able to destroy it.  But Venjix has already moved on to his next plan that apparently involves a good number of the citizens of Corinth being hybrids like Dillon unknowingly to the rangers.  WOW!!! O_O Apparently, his final strike against the rangers will be him using the briefcase that Tenaya got last episode to cause multiple magnetic waves to active his dormant hybrids.  Of course, Kilobyte is shafted in favor of Tenaya 15, which forces him to go on with his own plane to prove himself to Venjix.  After sneaking into the city and activating Corporeal Hicks, who is revealed as one of the hidden hybrids, he tries to assassinate Colonel Truman during an argument he is having with Scott, but luckily Scott saves him just in time as they capture Hicks.  Back in Dr. K's lab, we also learn that the virus is at 51% within; meaning Venjix can take control of him at any minute.  

Dr. K does quickly reveal she's been working on an antidote for the virus but it could either fix him or destroy him given it hasn't been tested enough.  As Venjix prepares for his final attack against Corinth, he angrily gets rid of Kilobyte for going against his orders and makes sure to tell Tenaya to destroy him after they take over the city one and for Kilobyte's eavesdropping....  Now that the rangers, Dr. K and Colonel Hicks discover half the people in Corinth have had the virus within them all along, we get a moment of a major breakthrough between Colonel Truman and Scott as he lets Scott lead an offensive attack against Venjix's lair and it couldn't come at a better time as Gem and Gemma's reprogrammed Grinder has just found Venjix's lair.  But unfortunately, it's too late for them to leave the city as Tenaya has just activate the electro magnetic switch that violently shuts down the city's power and leaves the rangers right in their many citizens are activated and begin claiming the city.  To make matter worse, Dillon begins going under Venjix's control just Venjix storms into Corinth's base to declare himself the new ruler of the city to end the episode.....WOW!!! Shocking, intense and expertly built up too.  The discovery of more hybrids being half the population of Corinth is just brilliant and shocking; once again showing how Venjix is truly the ultimate 10 steps ahead villain that it was his final plan all along if all his others failed.  Now, it's time for the finale.....and here we go! :)

Final Morph:


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