Season 8, Episode 5: A Matter of Trust

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"A Matter of Trust"
Episode 5
Air Date: March 11th, 2000

So....what the actual HELL is Captain Mitchell's deal?!? O_O So you need the rangers to protect a very dangerous and powerful fuel cell but you send your daughter to protect the actual fuel cell while the other 4 rangers protect a decoy!  Oh that's not what I'm mad about, I'm pissed that he rather not tell Dana she's protecting the guy who has the actual fuel cell and would rather he believe she's just giving her dad's old friend a ride to the Aqua Base!!! EHHHHH!!! And the worst part about it is? We get this ridiculously, poorly acted scene where Dana tells her dad off about the whole thing and Captain Mitchell just stands there not saying a word and just...just...takes it!!!?? O_o  WHAT THE ACTUAL F#$%!!!? -_- The thing is, Dana does the same thing Carter did two episodes ago!!!  Instead of telling both of them what's up, he'd rather not; leading them to almost disobeying future orders! Yes, Dana, almost puts the fuel cell into harm's way because Captain Mitchell did just tell her she was protecting the real fuel cell!!! Seriously, what is up with this dude???!!! -_-

Anyway, the demons want the fuel cell to destroy the city and for some reason, baby Impus can just make a monster.  Jinxer takes the card from Impus and performs a spell to bring the monster to life, Fireor.  The monster and the Batlings go after the rangers protecting the false fuel cell and contact Dana for help when they are overwhelmed.  Like I said, Dana almost blows the whole operation because her father is a d!ck but luckily she heads to the Aqua Base.  When Fireor gets his hands on the false box, he realizes the Pink Ranger isn't with them and decides to go after her.  As the other rangers go after her, Fireor begins to intensify the heat of the city which starts to effect the city.  As the rangers try to get the people out of the sun, Fireor begins blasting them with massive fire balls from where he is.  Meanwhile, Dana runs into the same problem when Fireor's blast begin to strike where she is.  It's then she realizes that her father's friend had the fuel cell all along and he gives her a speech about why her father believes in her so much.  Awwwww, that's so sweet!!! Only it would have been nice if you know, Captain Mitchell told her that instead of just letting her assume she was on some random mission that was not important but OKAY!!! o_O

Anyway, Vipra's been sneaking around and overhears that Dana is protecting the real fuel cell and attacks them both.  She protects her father's friend and the fuel cell while the rangers battle Fireor.  There's even a moment where her father's friend tells Dana she looks like her mother! Awwwww, now that part was nice and genuine! Vipra finally corners them but Dana manages to help them escape into the water.  Apparently, there was a submarine waiting for them??? O_o  Now that the fuel cell is safe at Lightspeed, Dana goes off to help the rangers in a decent fight against Fireor.  I like how the rangers even play dead to lure him into a trap so he can get hit by his own fire balls. lol  But of course, Jinxer returns to resurrect him and make him grow.  Dana calls for the Rail Rescues and the rangers form the Lightspeed Megazord.  They make quick work out of Fireor and destroy him just in time for a sloppy, stupid resolution where Dana apologizes to her dad about what she said earlier!!! Yes, because it's YOUR fault your dad was too concerned with proving a point indirectly instead of just telling up front what your mission was!! Yes, but your still his little girl right!? EHHHHH!!!  Overall, it's a decent episode despite the fact that Captain Mitchell is becoming infuriating to watch with his methods.  There's no real character development for Dana here really, just her realizing her dad has more faith in her than she realized...but it's done in a poorly written way. -_-

Final Morph: C+


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